The Kitten, the Witches and the Bad Wardrobe - Willow & Tara Forever

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 Post subject: FIC: Split Second
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 1:40 am 
Title: Split Second, Part I of ?

Author: Latsric


Feedback: yes please, this is un-beta’d so any comments/suggestions would be much appreciated.

Spoilers: Contains spoilers for Buffy season 6, up to and including Grave.

Rating: PG-13 ish for the moment, be prepared for violence, bad language, and of course talk of girl/girl love.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, I just happen to believe that the people who do really screwed things up, so I’m going to borrow them for a while. Maybe if ME and company promise to clean up their act, I’ll think about giving them back.

Summary: This story begins in Seeing Red, when Willow realizes what has happened to Tara. It is my opinion that any number of things could have happened during that moment. According to the show, Willow chose to turn to dark magic and we all saw how well that turned out. So, I’m going to explore another option, one that will see our girls back together in the end.

Notes: While I normally have my fics plotted out well in advance, with outlines in different colored fonts and everything, this fic is turning out to be a more free-flowing piece. There will be a plot, there will be action, and there will be angst…I’m just not sure where it’s all heading yet. I do know that one way or another, Tara and Willow will be reunited, alive and happy. So, with that said, here’s the first part, let me know if ya’ll would like more or if I should just quietly move back to the shadows of lurkerdom.

Split Second

Part I: Standing Still


There was pain here; hanging so heavily in the air that it was the only thing she was consciously aware of. Willow squeezed her eyes shut tighter, willing her body not to move, for movement would bring more pain. She knew, without knowing how she knew, that the pain was just waiting for her. It was waiting for her to open her eyes so that it could swoop down upon her, ensnaring her in its vice-like grip and ripping her very soul from her body.

Slowly, the pain receded to the back of her mind as other sensations began to push their way into her awareness. She felt the pin-prick of grass, needling at the bare skin of her arms and at her back, where the cut of her blouse did not quite meet the waist of her jeans. Willow realized then that she was lying down, yet she had no idea how she had come to be in that position.

Her mind felt fuzzy; thoughts and emotions were roiling around inside her head so fast that she could not grasp them. Images came unbidden to her, flashing before her eyes rapidly and leaving her with no chance to pin them down, to study them and discover their secrets.

Through all of the confusion, there was one thing Willow did know and that was that she was missing something. Something very important, vital even. She could not help thinking that whatever it was, it belonged to her. She remembered holding it in her hands, but then it had been gone. Did she lose it? No, she did not lose it, that much she was sure of.

It had been taken from her.


A cold wind passed over the red-heads prone body, causing the young woman’s eyes to snap open. Willow felt her body clench in fear, fear of what she would see now that her eyes were open. Over her head a stark grey sky filled her vision, and storm clouds were rolling in from all directions. A loud clap of thunder brought the Wiccan to a sitting position, her eyes scanning first the sky and then the area she found herself in.

She was on a hillside at the very edge of a lush meadow. The grass under her that had once been prickly and uncomfortable now felt soft and inviting. As far as her eyes could see there was green. Long stalks of green grasses waved fitfully in the wind and the leaves of far off bushes and trees waved to her in welcome.

Willow thought it was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. Everything was so pure and untouched and she hoped she could stay here. It made her feel peaceful, the lolling movement of the grass and the beauty of the scene making her want to admire it forever.


But, wasn’t she forgetting something?


Her brain’s reminder and another loud clap of thunder broke the meadow’s spell, bringing the young witch to her feet. She looked around quickly as the sky lit up and lightning flashed all around her. Her search was in vain as she found no hidden source of shelter on the hillside.

This wasn’t right, there should have been something here to protect her, she was sure of it. Yet there was nothing. No shelter, no safe haven from the storm, just grass and more grass.

She was alone.

A sob escaped her as she collapsed onto her knees, her hands gripping the soil in front of her as her body shook with the uncontrollable anguish that swept down upon her. The sky opened up, raining down thick, stinging droplets of rain that poured down upon the red-head. She added her own tears to the already rain soaked earth, her cries drowned out by the roar of the wind and the unceasing clap of thunder. The cold seeped into her, chilling her down to her bones and crushing the warmth that had been nestled within her heart.

Then there were hands on her, warm hands, clasping her shoulders and chasing away the cold. Willow felt the hands gathering her close, pulling her against a soft body that was so full of warmth that the young Wiccan could not help but cling to it. She buried her head into the fabric that draped the body holding her close. Sobs continued to wrack her small body as the hands that embraced her moved in comforting circles upon her back.

Tender words drifted to her ears, their meaning lost behind the pain, but still soothing in their tone. The pain that had threatened to consume her slowly receded as the loving ministrations calmed Willow’s battered soul. As her tears abated, Willow pulled back, looking up into the face of the person who had come to her when she had been so sure that no one would.

The young witch gazed up into her saviors light blue eyes and though they were familiar, Willow knew that they were not what she had been expecting. Confused, she studied the woman before her, noting that the planes of her face stirred something close to a memory within her, but she was still unable to lock down the thought as it drifted in and back out of her awareness.

“Do not be afraid little one, for you are never truly alone.” The women’s rich voice broke through Willow’s confusion, the soft tones filled with such love that the red-head could not help but believe her.

The woman began to stand, pulling Willow up with her, but not yet fully releasing her from the warm embrace. The young Wiccan simply enjoyed the moment, feeling safe and protected and knowing instinctively that this woman would not hurt her. She vaguely remembered feeling this way once before, in a different yet similar embrace. One that had held her tight, sheltering her with the strength of love and offering promises of a future filled with more of the same.

Willow pulled away from the older woman, knowing that this was not what she had been looking for. She watched as the woman smiled softly, her long blonde hair moving about her face in the light breeze that encircled them. It was then that Willow realized the raging storm had disappeared. The red-head turned slowly, her eyes tracking to the sky and staring in awe at the ocean of blue that had replaced the angry grey sky she had been confronted with earlier.

Around her she could hear the chirps of countless numbers of birds and the soft buzzing of insects as they too enjoyed the sunshine of the summer day she found herself in. The meadow around her was as serene as she remembered; only now it was filled with beautiful wildflowers of every imaginable color.

“Where am I?” she asked softly, turning back to face the woman and hoping that she would have answers to all the questions brewing in her mind.

“You are here. In my home.” the woman answered, the smile never leaving her face.

Willow glanced around her surroundings again and seeing no signs of a house or other form of shelter she regarded the woman skeptically. “You live here?” she asked.

“No, this is your creation.” the woman’s gaze shifted to the meadow before her, as if taking in the sight for the first time. “It is quite beautiful.”

“I did this?” Willow’s voice rose in pitch as she contemplated the woman’s words. “How? Why?” she asked quickly, her doubt unmistakable.

The woman moved forward, placing a calming hand on the red-heads shoulder. “I can not answer your questions little one. These are things you must discover on your own.”

“Who are you?” Willow asked her mind already puzzling over the woman’s words as she tried to make some sense out of her current predicament.

“You may call me Mother.” The woman’s voice was almost a whisper and for a moment an intense sadness welled up in the woman’s eyes. Willow saw that the woman’s pain mirrored her own and she realized that this woman had lost something too.

She had lost something.

The words echoed in her mind, and suddenly Willow remembered her purpose. Something had been taken from her and she was here to find it. She had to find it. The pain inside of her, the sense that she was missing something very important solidified in her mind, filling her with a sense of urgency and a determination to get back what had been stolen.

“I have to go.” The red-head began her eyes all ready looking for some clue as to where she must go to begin her journey. “I have to find it.”

Mother’s voice called Willow back to the present. “Willow.” She began, tears welling up in her eyes. “Your quest will not be an easy one. You will face obstacles, challenges that you cannot even begin to contemplate.”

Willow regarded the older woman, knowing that the words were not meant to discourage, just to warn, to prepare her for what she was about to do. “I have to find it.” She repeated again, feeling surer of her purpose with each passing moment. Though she could not name that which she sought, she knew that without it, she would never be whole. “I have to.” She said softly, her eyes begging Mother to understand something she did not even understand herself.

“Very well.” Mother relented, her body moving to bring Willow close one last time. “Trust your heart little one, it will lead you to what you seek.” She whispered the advice into the Wiccan’s ear and with one final squeeze she was gone.

Willow was left standing alone on top of the hill. Around her the birds continued to sing and the flowers continued to move with the wind. Beneath her feet, a path had appeared, the small dirt road stretching off into the distance behind her and meandering down the hillside in front of her.

The red-head looked from one direction to the other, her eyes straining to discover where the road was coming from and where it was heading. Somehow she knew that behind her, where the path was straight and narrow that was the easy road, leading back to where she had come from. In front of her, the path moved down the hillside, cutting through the valley below and leading into a dark and dangerous looking forest. Far off on the horizon, Willow could see the outline of a mountain, its peak standing tall and defiant under the cover of clouds that encircled it.

This was a moment, Willow realized. A moment when her choice would determine everything that was to follow. Should she take the easy road? It seemed so safe and sure, there were no obvious turns, no bumps, nothing that could block her path. Yet she could feel her heart pulling her in the other direction, towards the twisting and winding road that looked so uncertain.

Her heart lay in that direction. She was sure of it and though her cautious mind had forced her to hesitate in her steps, she knew her heart had already started down the other path.

What else could she do but follow?

To Be Continued…..

 Post subject: Re: FIC: Split Second
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 3:42 am 
Hey, great start to this! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this. :)


"But when they're playing your song on the jukebox in Hell, you might as well dance." - K. Simpson

"Futile... like a FOX, baby!" - Tara in The Late Shift by wiccachica

 Post subject: Split Second, Pt. II: Young Grow Old
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 6:22 am 
Well, this is part II and its all I have done at this point. There's a bit of angst and a cliffhanger in this part, so be warned. If any helpful kitties would like to volunteer to beta this fic, I would really appreciate it. Thanks for reading.

Title: Split Second, Part II of ?

Author: Latsric


Feedback: yes please, this is un-beta’d so any comments/suggestions would be much appreciated.

Spoilers: Contains spoilers for Buffy season 6, up to and including Grave.

Rating: PG-13 ish for the moment, be prepared for violence, bad language, and of course talk of girl/girl love.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, I just happen to believe that the people who do really screwed things up, so I’m going to borrow them for a while. Maybe if ME and company promise to clean up their act, I’ll think about giving them back.

Summary: This story begins in Seeing Red, when Willow realizes what has happened to Tara. It is my opinion that any number of things could have happened during that moment. According to the show, Willow chose to turn to dark magic and we all saw how well that turned out. So, I’m going to explore another option, one that will see our girls back together in the end.

Split Second

Part II: Young Grow Old

The path beneath her feet was steep. Willow’s steps jarred small pebbles loose as she maneuvered carefully down the hillside. She briefly wondered why someone had not thought to place steps here, rather than the dirt road that offered no purchase for her sliding feet.

Suddenly the road dipped sharply beneath her scrambling form. Willow felt herself falling and she was helpless to stop herself from leaning forward as her body searched for balance and found none.

Her hands hit the ground first, then her knees, both appendages scraping against the harsh gravel beneath them. Flesh and fabric were cut and ripped as her momentum carried her ever forward. The young Wiccan dug her feet and hands into the earth, the pain shooting through her barely registering above the sensation of her body sliding over the unforgiving terrain.

Ahead of her, Willow could see no end and as she continued to fight to slow herself she began to wonder if she would ever stop. Perhaps she would continue to fall forever, destined to remain on this slippery slope as it took her further and further down.

No one would rescue her this time.

Willow had taken this path of her own free will, believing that as long as she reached her goal the method did not matter. It had not appeared to be the easiest path to take, yet it had turned out to be. It had sucked her in, pulling her down without any conscious effort, and now she was helpless to stop herself. Worst of all, Willow could no longer remember why she had started down this road in the first place. The reasons which had seemed so clear before were fading now even as she fought to bring them back.

There had to be a reason why she was doing this to herself. She could not help thinking that if she could just figure out the reasons, things would be better. But then, did the why really matter at this point? Wasn’t it more important for her to figure out how she was going to fix her mistake?

She had indeed made a mistake by taking this road and she knew now that it did not lead to what she was looking for. The thing she was missing would not be on this road, because like her, it did not belong here.

And she needed to be wherever it was.

Twisting her body against the forces that were keeping her pinned to the earth, Willow pushed and pulled herself towards the edge of the road. By a force of will born out of sheer need, the young Wiccan threw herself off the incline.

Her body hit the ground hard, her forward momentum sending her rolling through the dew soaked grass as she continued down the hill. Only this time, the ground beneath her leveled out naturally, leaving her sprawled at the base of the hill and fighting to catch her breath.

“Why didn’t you use the stairs?” a soft voice asked.

Willow’s eyes snapped open at the sound and she found herself staring into eyes the color of the grass she was laying in. The young girl stared right back at the Wiccan, her small hands perched on her knees as she leaned in close as if she was inspecting a new discovery.

“There are no stairs.” Willow sat up as she spoke, her gaze remaining transfixed on the girl as she studied her in turn. Everything about the child seemed so familiar, from her flaming red hair to the soft pink sweater she wore, yet Willow could not remember if she had met her before.

“Yes there are.” The girl corrected, her small fingers already pointing to the hillside that Willow had just traversed.

Getting to her feet, the young Wiccan was fully prepared to tell the girl that she was mistaken. The words caught in her throat though as she turned to regard the flower covered hillside. The road she had taken had been replaced by wooden steps built directly into the ground. Though she was certain the steps had not been there before, they appeared to be old and well-used.

Willow turned to address this inconsistency with the girl only to find that the child had lost interest in her, moving off to sit upon a boulder that overlooked a small stream. The stream flowed across the valley, disappearing behind hills and trees before reappearing to continue its journey towards the mountain off in the distance. Again Willow felt something urging her on, telling her to follow this new path in the hopes that it would eventually lead to her goal.

The sound of a child’s cries pushed that notion to the back of her mind as Willow realized that she could not just walk away from the girl. Moving closer, she noticed that the child was staring into the calm waters, her eyes brimming with tears and her small shoulders jerking with barely contained sobs.

“What’s wrong?” Willow asked, her arms already encircling the child and offering comfort as Mother had done for her only a short time ago.

“It’s gone.” the girl wailed into Willow’s shirt, her small hands gripping the fabric and holding on as if she was afraid the Wiccan was about to disappear.

“What’s gone sweetie?” the young woman asked as she stroked the girl’s back, attempting to calm the torrent of tears that were even now soaking her blouse.

“I just looked away for a second and it fell. Now its gone forever.” The child responded, a fresh wave of tears accompanying the words.

At a loss as to what she could do to ease the child’s pain, Willow looked around the small clearing they were in. “Honey, where are you’re parents?” she asked, hoping to find some means of comforting the distraught girl.

The girl pulled away from Willow’s embrace quickly, her eyes widening in horror as she regarded the older woman. “You can’t tell them.” she pleaded, “I’m supposed to be good and they’ll be mad.”

“I’m sure they will understand.” Willow started to reach for the girl’s hand, only to have it ripped from her grip as the child bolted off the rock she had been perched upon.

“No.” she began, shaking her head. “I was supposed to protect it, keep it safe. I failed.”

Willow felt her own heart threatening to break at the sincerity of the girl’s words. “Oh, honey…”she began, kneeling before the girl and looking into eyes that were mirrors of her own. “It wasn’t your fault. It was an accident.”

“Doesn’t matter.” the child replied, moving away from Willow and back towards the stream. “It’s gone.” She finished, staring down into the water at something Willow could not see from her position.

Once she was standing next to the girl, Willow could finally see what had caused the child so much grief. Resting at the bottom of the streambed was a small crystal whose edges were catching and refracting the sunlight that filtered through the clear water. Though the object was too far away for the young girl to reach, Willow did not think she would have any problem retrieving the precious item for her new found friend.

The Wiccan missed the look of pure fear that crossed the girl’s face as she laid down on her stomach, her hands reaching into the cold water. Willow turned her head, offering the girl a smile and hoping the child would see that things would now be okay. But the girl was no where to be seen.

Confused, Willow looked back into the water her hand was now immersed in. She watched for a moment as before her eyes the crystal seemed to recede deeper into the stream. By the time she realized that it was not the crystal that was moving, but her, it was already too late.

An unseen force grabbed her hand, plunging her into the icy current of the roaring river. Before she could even wonder at the sudden change, the water covered her head, sucking her under and cutting off her last chance at breath before she could even think to take it.

Fighting for all she was worth, Willow kicked and clawed against the forces pulling her down. For all her efforts, she was still sinking deeper, the current pushed painfully at her body from all sides as it swept her up into its unforgiving hold.

Her lungs were burning and she had to force herself to clamp down on the urge to breath, knowing that to do so now would mean certain death. Her legs and arms began to seize up in the frigid water, soon the edges of her vision grew blurry and she was helpless to stave off the panic that threatened to overwhelm her.

Lashing out, Willow felt her hand brush against something in the water. Instinctively she grabbed for the object, her hand clenching it in a death grip that caused its sharpened edges to slice through the skin of her palm.

Willow ignored the pain as she clasped the crystal tightly in her hand, forgetting for a moment that she was even in danger as memories and images that had been blocked for so long suddenly returned to her. She watched in horror as her mind replayed the events that had brought her here to this place and she could not contain the scream that welled up inside of her.


The word echoed in her head even as she fell. She landed face down on the floor, the carpet biting into her cheek as she allowed her anguish free reign, her mind continuing to replay the nightmare over and over again.

“Strawberry, I’m so glad you decided to drop in.” the voice came from above and Willow realized that her nightmare had only just begun.

To Be Continued….

 Post subject: Old and young are relative
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 6:38 am 

I really dig this fic. Willow's are written and protrayed so well. I could see everything. You're an amazing writer. Rack? Bad!

R- Rat Bastard

A- Arrogent asshole

C- Crack but worse

K - Killer

This your fic and you are kicking butt with it. But may I suggest you hurt Rack! Sorry it seems tonite I am out for blood. LOL. In a few days I promise ill be better. OK keep writting. I love the vivid details.


 Post subject: Re: Old and young are relative
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 6:51 am 
hehe...thanks for the feedback and as for Rack, it remains to be seen whether he's actually there or not. Guess i'll have to keep writing or even I won't know what's going to happen:)

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 10:04 am 
This wasn’t right, there should have been something here to protect her, she was sure of it. Yet there was nothing. No shelter, no safe haven from the storm I like that you used this image for the beginning of Willow's realisation of Tara's death. Willow herself said that she always felt safe with Tara.

The dream-like quality to this story reminds me of the film "what dreams may come", which made me weep lots!

However, you have said that our girls will be reunited, so I'm interested to see where you're going to bring us.

Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two
Indigo Girls

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2002 11:14 am 
Well, I'm intrigued. I'm loving this dream sequence like thing you have going. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more.


You say midgets like it's so absurd.

 Post subject: Feedback thanx
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:38 am 
To everyone who has offered feedback on this little ditty, thank you ever so much. I'm glad you all like the dream-like quality, but this will change a little bit in the rest of the story. I've just sent part III to Thanatopsis who has helpfully agreed to beta it for me. (ever lasting gratitude to her).

thanks for reading folks and hopefully you all will stick around for the remainder of the ride.

 Post subject: Split Second, Part III: Somewhere In Between
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 6:42 am 
Well, here's part III. Things are going to start clearing up a bit from here on out. Oh and in case anybody was wondering, the chapter titles are coming from songs that I happen to be listening to as I write each part. Enjoy:)

Title: Split Second, Part III of ?

Author: Latsric


Feedback: yes please, this is un-beta’d so any comments/suggestions would be much appreciated.

Spoilers: Contains spoilers for Buffy season 6, up to and including Grave.

Rating: PG-13 ish for the moment, be prepared for violence, bad language, and of course talk of girl/girl love.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, I just happen to believe that the people who do really screwed things up, so I’m going to borrow them for a while. Maybe if ME and company promise to clean up their act, I’ll think about giving them back.

Summary: This story begins in Seeing Red, when Willow realizes what has happened to Tara. It is my opinion that any number of things could have happened during that moment. According to the show, Willow chose to turn to dark magic and we all saw how well that turned out. So, I’m going to explore another option, one that will see our girls back together in the end.

Split Second

Part III: Somewhere in Between

Willow was up and moving before she could even fully process that Rack was there, in her room, standing over Tara’s prone body. Her green eyes shaded to a darker hue as the anger swept over her, leaving her with no thoughts, save the destruction of the man before her.

“Get away from her,” she seethed, her lips curling back in a snarl and her body tensing as she prepared to attack.

“Oh, I love it when you get angry,” Rack laughed heartily, his form not moving from its position beside Tara’s body. “Makes you look sexy.”

The Wiccan fought to ignore the magic dealer’s taunts. She could feel her anger burning her from the inside as it pleaded to be released on this easy target. Energy and power that she had tried so hard to contain tingled across her skin and she itched to give in to it, but she had made a promise and nothing would ever make her break that promise, not again.

Sad green eyes focused on her lover’s motionless and blood-covered body, the sight alone enough to strengthen her resolve and push back the urge to lash out with her building power. Grief proved to be the more powerful emotion as all will to fight drained out of her.

“Get away from her,” She said softly, her eyes pleading for the dealer to just walk away and leave her with her anguish.

Rack’s eyes flashed with anger, his hands already brimming with magical energy as he sensed that he was loosing his grip on the red-head. “Weak,” He growled, staring down menacingly at the blonde Wiccan before turning his blackened gaze back to Willow. “She makes you weak.”

“NO!” Willow cried out, her eyes widening in fear as she reacted instinctively to the threat in Rack’s gaze. The young witch threw herself at the man, her small body slamming into the dealer and pushing him back, effectively circumventing whatever he had planned.

Caught offguard by the Wiccan’s attack, Rack found himself pinned helplessly under the onslaught of a crazed Willow in full out protective mode. The young woman hit, slapped, and scratched with every ounce of strength her body possessed, it never even occurring to her that she could have eliminated this threat with a few muttered words and a flick of her hand.                                

“She makes me strong,” Willow yelled at the man under her, even as she continued to rain blows down upon him. “You make me weak.”

Resorting to a physical attack of his own, Rack managed to get his arms under the small woman, pushing her away where she landed in an exhausted heap beside her girlfriend’s body. The dealer scrambled to his feet, his anger at being bested by the girl getting the better of him as he stood over Willow.

“You think you can just walk away from me?” he barked angrily. “I OWN you.” The energy crackled at his fingertips, the sensation causing a look of pure pleasure to cross the dealer’s face. “Mind. Body. And soul. You are mine, Strawberry.”

Willow crawled closer to her love, placing herself between Rack and Tara’s body. “No.” the Wiccan shook her head slowly, her head turning so she could regard the still form beneath her. Her hands traced over the spot on Tara’s chest where warm blood was still soaking into the fabric. Even in this desperate moment, Willow could not bring herself to be afraid, her only thought was of the disappointment she would see in Tara’s eyes when the blonde realized one of her favorite shirts had been ruined.

“No,” Willow said again, her words carrying with them the strength of her newly found convictions. “I belong to her,” the Witch looked up, her calm green eyes meeting Rack’s as she dared him to object to the truth of her statement.

“Don’t you see it, Strawberry?” Rack raised his hands allowing Willow to stare at the shooting sparks of energy that crawled their way over his flesh. “You and me, we could take the world. She was holding you back, but now…” he smiled suggestively at the Wiccan. “Now it will belong to us.”

“She doesn’t hold me back,” Willow answered, turning her back on Rack as she studied Tara’s face. “She saved me.” She reached out to the peaceful form before her, running her hand tenderly down the other woman’s cheek. “And now I have to save her.”

A light breeze drifted into the room and Willow felt the change before the familiar voice spoke from behind her. “You have done well, Willow.”

Willow turned her head slowly, seeing Mother now standing where Rack had been. “Can I do it?” she asked, the impossibility of the task before her causing doubts to surface. “Can I bring her back?’

Mother moved slowly about the room, her steps carefully planted to avoid the body stretched out before her. “It is hard to say,” she answered, her clear blue eyes watching as Willow carefully pulled Tara’s head into her lap. “You have already come further than any before you.”

“This happens a lot?” Willow asked, her hands absently stroking the golden locks as she lovingly supported Tara’s head.

“When the bond is strong, partners often follow each other into the afterlife.” Mother seemed to hesitate for a moment before she continued her explanation. “However, it has never been known to occur so quickly.”

Placing a hand over the bloodstain that marred Tara’s shirt, Willow marveled for a moment at how the woman in her arms appeared to be merely sleeping. “She called to me,” The Wiccan stated, as if that was all the explanation needed, because for her, it was.”

The older woman made a small sound of surprise, “Your connection is strong, as is your love.” Mother kneeled down next to Willow, stilling the red-head’s hands as they moved through the blonde’s hair. “If you are to be successful, you must use them both to find her.”

Glancing first at Mother and then back to the head that rested under her hands, Willow realized for the first time that the body she held no longer contained the soul she loved so much. “She’s not here.” Willow’s attention turned inward; searching for a presence she would know anywhere. “But I can still feel her.”

“Yes.” Mother smiled in approval at the Wiccan. “She is here, waiting for you in the in-between.”

“I have to go to her.” Willow gently laid her love’s head back onto the carpet before getting to her feet.

Mother took Willow by the arm, leading her towards the bedroom door as she spoke, “You must go quickly, for just as you did not remember what it was you sought, she does not remember what it is that she is waiting for.”

Willow felt Mother release her arm, the older woman remaining inside the bedroom to allow the Wiccan to continue her journey. “I will find her. I’ll always find her,” She assured as she stepped over the threshold and walked out of her bedroom.

The icy cold breath of water pushing against her provided a jolt to Willow’s senses. Her arms and legs began flailing as the sensation that she was drowning once again pushed her into full blown panic mode. She clawed for the surface, surprised when her body actually started moving in the desired direction and even more surprised when she felt something grab her hand, pulling her completely out of the water and depositing her unceremoniously onto the riverbank.

Dazed, the Wiccan sat on the bank, her breath coming in heaving gasps as her body attempted to adjust to yet another brush with death. Her dripping hair hung about her face, obscuring her view as she searched for whoever or whatever had rescued her.

“It’s not safe here,” A familiar voice warned and Willow instantly turned towards the sound, her eyes widening in surprise as she realized who had saved her.


To Be Continued….

 Post subject: Interesting!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 7:01 am 


I am so happy you decide to hurt rack!Next time i say blow him up! Now that Willow is some where close to getting Tara back..i have to wonder what is buffy doing there. I know she is the chosen one, the slayer but she cant save everything. thoughts...I like ur fic..very vivid very..well..*i can not think of the word* It leaves lot to reader interpertation and yet it is very myterous..i have no clue what is going to happen next..i cant even make a good guess. Good JOB!


By the By..the words to be countinued..those words are evil! Hehehe but there better be more so it can countunie..or i shall *thinks* .......i'll back to you on that one.

Leaving now,....




Or not!

I always look for ur fic when i go ol now lol cuz we posted ur around the same time and they both start with the letter s and they were beside each other for a lil while lol so i look for urs to find it isnt working to good. Hehe.

Ok really gone now..i just thought of that. sorry.

 Post subject: Re: Interesting!
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 2:01 pm 
This is a really good fic!!

can't wait for the next part :)


I just needed someone to talk to, you were just too busy with yourself, you were never there for me to express how i felt ,i just stuffed it down- *STAIND -FADE*

 Post subject: Re: FIC: Split Second
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 7:28 pm 
Whomever made the comment about the movie 'What Dreams may come' made a great comparison. Your writing has a very unique flavor, it's really very good. I'd like to see where you go with this story.

'It's good to be a chicken casserole'-Sass, answering darkness

'My heart is cleverer then I and it knows what to do.'-MC Legends of the Kiss

 Post subject: What dreams may come
PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 12:10 am 
You know, I honestly didn't even think of this until whomever it was mentioned it, but your right. It is very similiar. LOTS of metaphors and such. Metaphors are always fun:)

 Post subject: Re: What dreams may come
PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 11:11 am 
Good stuff. I love Willow standing up to Rack, the bastard. And Buffy, hmmm, whatever could she be doing there?

Trish, what about the letters, TBC? Are they any more of less evil?


Oh, um... various sounds of

 Post subject: Split Second, Part IV: Crossroads
PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 6:49 pm 
Well, here's the next part. I'm thinking there's going to be maybe one or two more, cause frankly I think Wilow (and Tara) have gone through enough. So next up after this rather angsty scene is the big reunion. Happy reading and thanks again to Thanatopsis for her help beta reading this.

Split Second

Part IV: Crossroads

Scrambling to her feet, Willow rushed towards the Slayer, her arms already extending to engulf her best friend in a much needed hug. “Oh, Buffy,” she began as her arms wrapped around the blonde. “I am so glad to see you.”

The woman in her arms tensed noticeably at the contact, her stronger form easily pulling out of the red-head’s grasp. “You should’nt be here.” The slayer moved as she spoke, putting distance between herself and the Wiccan.

“Buffy, what’s wrong?” Willow tried to follow the retreating Slayer, but every one of her steps was met by an instant backpedal. “Did I do something wrong?” she asked, trying to ignore the hurt that Buffy’s rejection caused.

“Go back.” Buffy ordered, her hand pointing back towards the river Willow had just emerged from.

Confused, Willow followed the Slayer’s extended hand only to find that Buffy was not indicating a place, but a person. “W...What?” she stared open-mouthed at another, younger version of herself standing on the other side of the river. The teenager’s long red hair was being pulled in all directions by the wind and with every gust the young woman seemed to collapse further into herself, as if she had resigned herself to the fact that it was out of her control.

For a moment, Willow shared her younger-self’s helplessness, remembering all too well how it felt to be so unsure of her own worth. The figure across the bank was a vivid testament to a time when she had yet to recognize her own strengths. “No,” Willow said firmly, her patented resolve face already in place as she turned back to the Slayer.

Buffy’s hand remained where it was, still pointing at the small figure across from them. “Go back.” She repeated a bit more forcefully.

The Wiccan’s eyes widened in shock, not believing that her best friend was actually suggesting that she return to a state when she was merely a liability rather than an asset. “No,” she answered back, her own resolve increasing as she saw that the Slayer was about to bark the order once more. “Hello! Resolve face.” Willow interrupted, pointing at her own face to remind the Slayer of its power.

The outstretched arm dropped back to the Slayer’s side, but the blonde continued to stare blankly at Willow as if she had no idea who she was or what she was talking about. “If you remain here, you won’t be able to return.”

“Oh, well that’s okay,” Willow began, her confidence returning now that Buffy had switched tactics. “I’m not staying; I just have to find Tara.”

“Tara?” Buffy spoke the word as if it was foreign to her and the questioning glance she shot at Willow confirmed it. “There’s no one else here.” The Slayer said shortly, a note of bitterness entering her voice.

Looking for confirmation of the Slayer’s words, Willow looked around the area. “You’re alone here?” she asked, disbelief coloring her words even as her eyes confirmed that the area was indeed deserted.

“I am alone in my task.” Buffy answered as she turned away from Willow and began walking.

The world around Willow shimmered and changed as she watched the Slayer walk away, seemingly undisturbed by the shift occurring around her. Willow felt her breath catch in her throat as the river behind her disappeared to be replaced by a bare expanse of slate grey rock. A bit disoriented by the change, Willow simply watched as Buffy climbed expertly over the jutting rocks, her progress stopping only when she reached the base of the large rock face that towered over the pair.

“The mountain,” Willow whispered her neck craning as she searched for an end to the large structure that was now before her. She looked back to where the Slayer stood when the loud crack of rock meeting rock echoed off the walls surrounding them. Buffy was tirelessly removing large sections of rock from an opening that lay buried behind an apparent cave-in.

Willow approached carefully as she tried to avoid the rocks being tossed behind the Slayer as well as the flying debris that accompanied the landing of every piece. “What are you doing?” the red-head asked as she came up beside Buffy.

The slayer did not answer as she grabbed hold of a large boulder, tugging and pulling it free of the other rocks that had kept it pinned in place. The blonde’s grip finally found purchase as her hands closed around the rock, allowing her to yank it free and send it sailing behind her with a mighty toss. “Letting the light out.” The slayer finally answered.

Willow was forced to blink as a blinding white light quickly filled the space the boulder had previously occupied. The hand she had been raising to shield her eyes from the harsh light froze in mid-motion as with out warning the light disappeared, blocked once again by the boulder that had reappeared. “What the…” Willow trailed off, her hand dropping back to her side as she regarded the slayer.

“For every one I remove, another rises to take its place.” The slayer answered, her hands already moving back to the rock as she resumed her task.

“But…” Willow began, her lower lip trembling as she realized what this blockade could do to her search. “I have to find Tara.” Her eyes locked onto the spot where the light had previously been. “I have to get through there.”

“It’s…hopeless.” Buffy responded through gritted teeth as she pulled at a rock that clung to its place.

Her face falling at the Slayer’s words, Willow stared at her own hands, wondering why they had to be so small and weak. Buffy’s arms were straining with effort as she yanked on the unmoving rock and if the Slayer’s strength was not enough to clear this path, how could Willow every hope to move forward?

She watched as Buffy shifted the rock and opened up a crevice that was just enough to allow a small ray of light through. The light seemed to seek out Willow, pinning the Wiccan in place with its brilliance and refreshing her sense of purpose. One way or another, she would get past this. If she had refused to let death stand between her and Tara, what hope did a mountain have?

Willow shot forward, one hand brushing the Slayer aside while the other grabbed onto the rock that refused to move for Buffy. She clawed furiously at the granite that would dare block her path. Large chunks were knocked loose under her onslaught, the pieces crumbling beneath her hands and dropping to the ground. Light poured forth from the opening she was creating, its force guiding her as she moved forward into the space she had carved.

Soon the rocks faded away, leaving Willow standing in a pool of white light that enveloped her and pushed her forward. She walked straight ahead, trusting her heart to lead her in the proper direction.

When she emerged from the tunnel she was greeted by a sight that made her head swim and her heart skip a beat. Despite her back being turned to her, Willow immediately recognized the girl seated at the old-fashioned school desk. “Tara?” she whispered, her eyes moving over the long blonde hair that flowed down the girls back.

“Tara has her lessons now.” The tall figure moved out of the shadows of the small school house, passing the empty chairs in the front row of desks and stopping in front of the one occupied seat. “Don’t you Tara?” he asked sweetly, slamming the ruler he carried onto the table with a loud bang when the girl did’nt answer right away.


The girl jumped in her seat at the sound and the motion made Willow realize that this was not her Tara, but a younger, more terrified version of her love. “Mr. Maclay?” the Wiccan asked as she stepped into the room, her mind identifying the figure that loomed over the cowering girl.

“She has to learn her lessons.” Tara’s father repeated with an unmistakable gleam in his eye as he raised the ruler once again.

“What are you doing?” Willow screamed, her feet carrying her further into the room and placing her between the tall man and Tara.

The older man did not answer as he pushed Willow back into an open desk. Willow hit the desk hard, the force of the push sending both it and her toppling into the aisle. Ignoring the commotion the red-head made as she tried to pull herself out from under the desk, the man returned his attention to his lone pupil.

“What are you?” he barked, slapping the ruler down on the girl’s already reddened knuckles.

“B...Bad. I’m...bad.” the girl fought back tears as she answered, her head dropping lower as she fought to hide the pain behind a curtain of blonde hair.

Willow was on her feet in an instant, tossing desks out of her way as she charged the older man. “You son of a bitch.” She screamed as she slammed into the form of Tara’s father. She pinned the man against the stark black chalkboard, ripping the ruler out of his hands and holding it menacingly in her own grasp. “You’re the one who’s bad.” She cried, bringing the ruler down to smack against the man’s arms. “You’re the evil one.”

Tara’s father broke free of the Wiccan’s grasp before she could deliver another blow. The older man did not hesitate as he ran for the door, pure fear at having his own weapon turned against him pushing him through the opening. Willow stared after his retreating form, her hand clasped tightly around the wood as she fought to regain control.

“You…You sh...shouldn’t have done that.” Tara’s small voice cut through Willow’s rage, bringing the Wiccan’s eyes to rest solely on the blonde. “He’ll be mad.”

Dropping to her knees in front of the still seated figure, Willow regarded the young woman before her. This Tara reminded her so much of the girl she had first met, soft spoken and scared of her own shadow. “It’s okay.” Willow assured, her hands finally releasing the ruler she had clung to. “He can’t hurt you anymore.”

“B...but I ha...have to finish the lessons.” The girl pleaded, “Or I ca...can’t go outside.”

The painful stutter which had all but disappeared in her own love sent a jolt straight through Willow’s heart. “Oh, honey.” She cried, her eyes welling up with tears. “You can go outside now. Any time you want to.”

The girl regarded her doubtfully, “I can?”

Willow nodded as she reached a hand out to take one of the blonde’s in her own. “I promise.”

Pulling the blonde to her feet, Willow gestured towards the open door where sunlight was streaming in and the sounds of birds called to them. Tara hesitated for a moment before she began walking slowly towards the door. At the threshold she paused again, looking behind her to where Willow’s hand was entwined with her own.

“I’ve always hoped that I would find someone like you,” She said quietly, all trace of her stutter gone as she lead Willow through the doorway and out into the bright sunshine of a beautiful spring day.

To Be Continued….

 Post subject: Re: Split Second, Part IV: Crossroads
PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 7:19 pm 
omg this fic was so sad and sweet *sniffle* poor Tara

brilliant update :)


I just needed someone to talk to, you were just too busy with yourself, you were never there for me to express how i felt ,i just stuffed it down- *STAIND -FADE*

 Post subject: Re: Split Second, Part IV: Crossroads
PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2002 8:53 pm 
Fantastic story - it's so touching and I can just imagine Willow thinking those words and saying them. Did you find a beta yet? You don't really need one, but I'd be willing if you still want someone to read through it. (Okay, so I want the updates before they're posted. So what?) Seriously, I've got major writer's block at the moment so I thought I'd try my hand at beta work instead.


 Post subject: Re: Split Second, Part IV: Crossroads
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 7:44 am 
Latsric, it's my pleasure. I totally love this and am quite curious as to where you're going with all this. You're right, they've gone through plenty, but all that matters is that they end up together, right?


Oh, um... various sounds of

 Post subject: Re: Split Second, Part IV: Crossroads
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2002 8:58 pm 
Exactly! and since I seem to be on a bit of a "way's to bring Tara back" kick, I'm already tossing around a few ideas on how to do this in a more conventional manner in my next fic. But no worries, I will finish this one up first.

There most likely will not be an update until friday maybe saturday as I've got Karate tonight and that tends to leave my brain fried which is not conducive to writing. Hang in there folks as I have decided that the big reunion is next.

Thanks for all your wonderful comments and feedback, kittens rock!


 Post subject: Re: Split Second, Part IV: Crossroads
PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 9:54 am 
I’ve always hoped that I would find someone like you Willow said she'd find her, and she did. Now Tara just has to find her way back to remembering Willow and what they shared.

This is a lovely fic, and you're a talented writer. Thanks for sharing this with us, and am pleased you have ideas for another story. I'm such a fic addict!

Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two
Indigo Girls

 Post subject: Re: Split Second, Part IV: Crossroads
PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 6:31 am 
Great fic! Glad to read it-- your writing style is really nicely coherent, yet still stylistic/artistic... a rare combo these days! :)

Remember: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!

 Post subject: Split Second Part V: Wherever You Go
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 7:02 am 
Well, here's the last part of this little ditty. Thank you all for coming along for the ride, hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for all your comments/feedback.

Split Second

Part V: Wherever You Go

Willow’s bare feet swept over the dew soaked grass as she walked. The length of her pure white dress billowed around her, aided by the light wind that brought with it the scent of jasmine. When she had crossed the threshold of the old school house, the soft weight of Tara’s hand in her own had vanished, leaving the young Wiccan alone in this field of wildflowers.

There was no path here and no one to ask for guidance, yet Willow required neither as she took each confidant step. Even if her heart had not been persistently tugging her in this direction, her own insight into her lover’s heart would have told her that this was the place.

She paused at the top of the hill, her eyes sweeping over the majestic grace of the Willow tree that stood silent sentinel over the valley. Nestled at its base, a checkered blanket spread beneath her sleeping form, was a figure that sent Willow’s feet and mouth into motion at the same time.

“Tara!” she yelled as she sprinted down the hill, her small feet moving faster than they ever had before. “Tara!” she called again, tears welling up to cloud her vision of the awakening figure.

The blonde rose up to her knees only to be knocked back to the blanket as Willow’s sobbing form collapsed onto her. “Willow.” She whispered, her arms automatically encircling the red-head and pulling her closer.

“I thought I’d lost you.” Willow’s tears flowed freely as she held Tara close, her body soaking up every ounce of contact it could find.

“Shh…” Tara gently stroked the wind blown strands of hair back off of Willow’s face so she could see the other woman clearly. Blue eyes met with green for a long moment as the pair lay under the tree, “You will never lose me.” Tara vowed, the love in her eyes adding weight to the promise of forever.

Willow nodded in silent acceptance of Tara’s words. If she had learned anything on this journey, it was that without the other woman, her very soul was incomplete. “Good,” she began as she sat up on her knees, “Because, I will never be ready to let you go.”

“And you will never have to.” The soft sound of Mother’s voice caused both young women to turn in the speaker’s direction.

“Mama?” Tara stood up as she spoke; her whole body trembling as she slowly approached the shimmering form that stood before them.

Tara’s mother smiled proudly at her daughter as she reached out a glowing hand to stroke the younger woman’s cheek. “My angel.”

Willow approached slowly, not wanting to disrupt the serenity of the reunion, but needing to confirm what her mind had vaguely suggested when she first met the taller woman. “You’re Tara’s mom?” she asked looking between the two women and seeing the obvious resemblance.

“Yes, little one.” Mother took Willow’s hand in her free one, encouraging the young Wiccan to move closer. “I am sorry I was not able to tell you sooner.” The woman apologized as she pulled Tara and Willow into a soft embrace. “I was limited in how much aid I could offer you on your quest.”

“But it’s over now right?” Willow pulled back a little, “I mean, I found her. So it’s over right?”

Tara stepped away from her mother as well, her blue eyes lighting up with the questions she no doubt had for both women. “What’s over?”

The older woman placed her hands on her daughter’s shoulders as she began to explain, “Tara, do you remember when you asked me why I remained with your father, even after everything he put us through?”

“Yes.” Tara nodded, though it was obvious that she did not quite understand what her mother was trying to tell her. “You said that love is a powerful force and sometimes you have to face challenges to remind yourself just how powerful it is.”

Tara’s mother turned her sad gaze on Willow as they both listened to Tara’s answer. “I was wrong.” The older woman stated as she returned her attention to her daughter. “We do not face challenges to prove the power of love. The obstacles of life will be there with or without love, but it is only the power of true love that allows us to triumph over the greatest of challenges.”

“I don’t understand.” Tara looked from her mother to Willow, hoping that one of the two women would be able to ease her confusion.

“Willow, take Tara’s hand.” Mother instructed with a gentle smile. “Show her what you have experienced here.”

“What?” Willow questioned, her hand pausing in mid-motion as she contemplated the older woman’s instructions. “No, I can’t do that to her.” She said, unable to believe that Tara’s mother would want her daughter to experience even a taste of what she had seen and done.

“You must. She needs to understand what has happened here and what it means for your future.” Mother kept her voice low and even as she tried to make the red-head see her reasoning. “Just take her hand and remember the challenges you have faced.”

Reluctantly, Willow entwined her fingers with Tara’s, her eyes closing of their own will as she did as she was instructed. As each scene flashed in her memory, the Wiccan felt Tara’s grip tighten as she too experienced all of the obstacles that had been overcome in Willow’s quest to be reunited with her love.

Emotions and images passed through the pairs connected hands in a heartbeat, giving both women the momentary impression that they were no longer two separate entities, but one heart and one mind joined for the rest of eternity. When Willow and Tara simultaneously opened their eyes moments later, fresh tears glistened on their cheeks.

“You did that for me?” Tara asked, turning to her partner and allowing the emotions that traveled between them free reign as she tried to make Willow understand just how much she meant to her.

“I had to.” Willow answered, choking back her sobs as the strength of Tara’s love for her threatened to overwhelm her. “I have to be with you.”

Tara processed Willow’s admission for a moment before she turned her questioning gaze back on her mother. “But, I’m dead.”

Willow began to object to this pronouncement but was quickly cut off by Mother, “No dear, you’re not dead.”

“But…How?” Tara asked, her free hand moving to her chest where she distinctly remembered a bullet tearing through her heart.

“Love.” Mother gave the simple answer, placing her own hand over her daughters. “In that one brief moment before you’re soul took flight, Willow’s love for you allowed her to catch you, sending you both here to a place where you are neither alive nor dead but with the potential to be either.”

“I did that?” Willow questioned, disbelief coloring her words.

“The love you share and the strength of your connection did that.” Mother took the two women’s clasped hands in her own as she continued with her explanation. “That is the secret of true love; it binds your souls and allows you to accomplish together what you could never do on your own.”

Mother paused for a moment, gesturing with her hands towards the meadow they were standing in. “You created all of this with the strength of your love. Everything you have experienced was born out of your need to remain together, in life and in death.”

“So, if we’re supposed to be together, how come I had such a hard time finding Tara?” Willow wondered out loud as her mind tried to catch up with the information being given.

“Because, we got separated.” Tara offered, her mother’s nod letting both women know that she was correct.

“As strong as your connection was, it was not infallible.” Mother began, “You were separated, your connection stretched to its limits. However, with every step that Willow took, you were brought closer together.”

Willow and Tara listened with rapt attention, their still joined hands continuing to feed them with each other’s deepest emotions. “With each obstacle you faced Willow; you reclaimed the piece of Tara’s soul that she had given you in life.”

“What does that mean?” Willow broke in, a reassuring squeeze from Tara instantly calming the worry that had been in her voice.

“It means that you souls are now joined.” Mother said softly, her bright smile relaying that this was indeed a good thing. “You now carry Tara’s very essence inside of you, and she carries yours. From this moment on, where she goes, you go.”

“Does that mean that she can come back with me?” Willow jumped on this glimmer of hope that she might achieve her ultimate goal.

“Yes.” Mother’s eyes shined with happiness as she watched the pure joy that lit up both Tara and Willow’s faces. “You can never be truly separated again.”

Reacting to Mother’s words, Tara and Willow fell into each other’s arms and held tight as they shared the knowledge that nothing could ever come between them. “Thank you.” Willow muttered toward Mother as she clung to her blonde partner.

“It is I who should thank you.” Mother countered Willows gratitude, “Your dedication has shown me that my daughter will always be loved and protected and that is truly all a mother could ever hope for.”

Tara released her hold on Willow and embraced her mother, “I love you, Mama.”

Tara’s mother held her daughter close, her hand moving through the long strands of blonde hair in a comforting pattern as she spoke, “I love you too, my angel. Remember, I will always be with you, both of you.” She said as she opened her arms to accept Willow into the embrace.

“You must return now,” Reluctantly, Mother pulled back from the embrace, “While time has seemed to pass freely here, in reality it has remained still.”

“What do we have to do?” Tara took a deep breath as she reclaimed Willow’s hand and prepared to do whatever had to be done to return her to Willow’s side.

“Willow must carry your spirit back.” Mother responded, her voice trailing off as her body began to fade.

“How?” Willow’s question was met with silence as Tara’s mother disappeared from the meadow.

“Keep me in your heart.” Tara placed her hand gently over Willow’s heart, her soft smile calming Willow’s anxiety.

“Always.” Willow rested her own hand over Tara’s. Losing themselves in the love that flowed freely between them, the two women brought their lips together in a kiss that would seal their bond for all eternity.

The first thing Willow noticed when she opened her eyes again, was that the deep blue pools she was staring into shined with life. The hand she held against her breast thrummed with a steady pulse and the lips beneath her own remained as they had always been, warm and inviting.

She pulled back slightly, giving the woman beneath her room to take a deep breath. Tara’s eyes flickered shut briefly as she felt what Willow had returned to her slide back into place. “Willow.” She croaked, her eyes opening once again to take in the sight of her lover.

“It’s okay.” Willow gripped the blonde’s hand tighter as the tears once again began to form, “You’re home.”

“I’m home.” Tara repeated, her free hand moving to cover her own beating heart.


 Post subject: Re: Split Second Part V: Wherever You Go
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 10:32 am 
"You will never lose me" Tara vowed, the love in her eyes adding weight to the promise of forever. Beautiful description of their love.

This was a wonderful tale, thank you so much.

Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two
Indigo Girls

 Post subject: Re: Split Second Part V: Wherever You Go
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 5:20 pm 
This was a wonderful ending! :) I really enjoyed reading this story. :D


"But when they're playing your song on the jukebox in Hell, you might as well dance." - K. Simpson

"Futile... like a FOX, baby!" - Tara in The Late Shift by wiccachica

 Post subject: Re: Split Second Part V: Wherever You Go
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 9:51 am 
Thank you all for the amazing feedback, I got a little "artsy" with this fic and wasn't sure if I had lost most of you along the way. I'm not sure yet whether I will pick this story up from where I left off (as Buffy is still injured and Warren is still on the loose) or if I will go with other ideas for a new story. Either way, I'll most likely be back.


 Post subject: Re: Split Second Part V: Wherever You Go
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 10:15 am 
Glad to hear you'll be supplying us fic addicts with more!

I really liked the "artsy" quality to this story. Your descriptions of the landscape were so easy to imagine, and added so much more to the story.

Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two
Indigo Girls

 Post subject: Re: FIC: Split Second
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 9:36 pm 
New to the archive!

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"Oooh Xita!" - Amber Benson

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