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 Post subject: The Kitten High School Yearbook Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 4:59 pm 
The chat whores (and whorelettes) and I have been reminiscing upon the traumas of our high school years this afternoon, and thought it might be fun to see what the Kittens were like, or are like, as teenagers. So... how about some yearbook type entries? Did you have 80's hair? Did you fall victim to short-lived fashion fads? Were you the class clown? The class band geek? What extracurricular activities did you participate in? What music did you listen to? Who did you idolize?

C'mon. Tell us all your dirty little high school secrets. ;)

I like Christmas. It's the only time of year at which the rest of the world says "ho" with as much frequency and enthusiasm as I do.

Edited by: Dumbsaint at: 12/12/02 3:00:00 pm

 Post subject: Re: The Kitten High School Yearbook Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:22 pm 
I had a big curly afro. And in case you wonder, yeah that does look pretty stupid on a white guy.

-I feel as if a kitten sat on my face all night

 Post subject: Re: The Kitten High School Yearbook Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:33 pm 
i'm a junior in high school right now and i guess i could be labeled the artist.i love to write, read a lot, love music, and *if i wasn't so shy* would be in drama.

music preferance:p retty much anything besides fake boy bands, pop princesses and gangster rap (to much swearing for my taste)

i am not a big fan of school and i get grades that *ahem*

are more towards the end of the alphabet.a quiz once told me i was a "nerdslut" and that my sex appeal is in my intelligence

hehehe :blush *smart girls are hot*;)

clubs i am in :


wardrobe:mostly dark colorsand comfortable stuff like jeans and baggy sweatshirts (i am such a tomboy ):lol

thats about it, unless you want to know more.

 Post subject: Re: The Kitten High School Yearbook Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:44 pm 
The sad thing is, took me a few years, but I have ended up looking exactly like I did back at school! Now definetely greyer, my hair is now short like it was back then! I was the class cartoonist and scribbler. I listened constantly to Kate Bush (who I still worship) and the punk singer Toyah Willcox's music. I was a Mod (complete with the parka with my badges on and two tone clothing!) when everyone else was into their leathers! And I could talk about Star Wars for way too long and did! Nope, still no change there in anything! Now being at work, I am still out of place like I was at school! My girlfriend saw my school pictures and said I was definetely a 'baby butch' then. I am getting the feeling I never really grew up at all!!! :grin

Edited by: MaClayMagic at: 12/12/02 3:45:42 pm

 Post subject: Re: The Kitten High School Yearbook Thread
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 5:53 pm 
Well hs was pretty boring in terms of extracurricular activities, there were no sports, no band, no nothing at my school (not that I would have been in any of those, well I would have loved to play football in hs, if only because all my friends were so much smaller than me and I would have killed them :devil )

As for hair, well I had quite a different look than I do now. I had THE 80s hair...a mullet! :lol

I had it cut my senior year, just before Christmas, for graduation pics. It was hard to do :cry I mean the bond between a boy and his mullet is intense :rollin

I was a pretty good student, but then came that dark day, when I was out with my friends and one of them went, "here dude, drink this" and that was beer, it changed my life, and my grades :lol

We would always get bombed on the weekend (beer and Bacardi) we got chased by the cops once (we got away ;) ) but the second time, a friend and I got caught drinking by the Maine State Liquor inspector :stink

We ended up doing 25 hours of community service, but I did get to drive a cop car...the cop asked if I had my license, then he gave me the keys and told us to go wash it :grin

As for music, I was a metalhead :smash Rock on baby!

Mozilla : One Browser to Rule Them All.

 Post subject: ...
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 6:48 pm 
um, ten ten... a mullet... uh... :spin

still love ya though :p

ok, cause i totally ditzed out there for a second thinking of sexy brian with a mullet and as usual forgot to reply to the topic at hand...

I wont be able to do yearbook type entries for even though i worked in the yearbook (photos) i never could come up with classy yearbook type entries that were funny.

me and high school did not get along very much (even though i was part of the 'popular' crowd, student council, sports, honor roll, etc...) until i moved out of the country and went to the US. lol... then once i became a total nobody i had the best time. i guess my personal style was casual, kinda jappy until i moved and i became the only yuppie looking goth in the world. hehe... trust me it's possible to be a yuppie looking goth...

i did not have 80's hair cause i was in grade school during the 80's :p but i did have different shades every couple of weeks in high school. drove my mum nuts cause she wanted me with silly highlights and a perm. lol...

as for music... i listend to a lot of classic rock, reggae, and oldies music cause growing up in Puerto rico leaves much to be desired music wise. I mean the most highlighted concerts we saw in high school were REO Speedwagon and Chicago years after the bands were way out of style! we had lots of good eauropean techno though and dances were fun... then in the US i got into RIOT GRRRL!!!!!! woo hoo! lovey lovey love! but in all truth i listened to all kinds of music... hated kriss kross, snow and vanilla ice with a passion though.

who did i idolize... well, marilyn monroe and janis joplin... sigh... still do...

"We're forgetting about the troll. Let's pay attention to the troll." Tara, Triangle

Edited by: Rane018 at: 12/12/02 6:17:30 pm

 Post subject: Re: ...
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 7:22 pm 
I was very much the nerdy math/science geek-boy, complete with very 70s-looking glasses. Fortunately, I was safe from the jocks at the school because (a) my dad was the principal, and (b) I kept statistics for the football and track teams, which meant I was able to tell many of the jocks exactly how cool and manly they were. :shy

My life changed in the spring of 1980 (my junior year), when the school got its first

Apple ][ computers. Since my dad was the principal (and was just as interested in the things as I was), I got to stay after classes or come in on weekends and during the summer to play. People look at me strangely now when I tell them that we all had to take turns using "the big computer" that had a whopping 48K of memory. :grin

"A man who fails well is greater than one who succeeds badly. - Thomas Merton

Edited by: BBOvenGuy  at: 12/12/02 5:25:17 pm

 Post subject: did someone say....80s?
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 7:55 pm 
High school....God....what torture!

I didn't really quite have 80's hair. Definitely not a mullet, for sure. I did want a rat tail, though. But that would have involved cutting my hair and I wasn't prepared to do that.

I did fall victim to many a fashion fad, though. Let me just say that wearing multiple pairs of socks along with multiple shirts and multiple Swatches on each arm...whew... :spin

I was willing to suffer to achieve The Layered Look (TM). :shy

Band! Band! I loved band. I loved band with my whole heart. Trombones are cool! They are! No, listen, they really are!

Extracurricular activities...I was in a bunch of stuff. Besides band, though, I think the thing that brought me the most satisfaction was Scholar's Bowl. It was like getting to play Trivial Pursuit all the time and getting a cheap crappy plastic plaque at the end! How cool is that?

Wait...yearbook staff was pretty cool, too, now that I think about it. No plaques, but I did get to write a story about some guy who was into Civil War reenactments. Alas, he had no mullet.

Music-wise, I spent many a night sitting in my room in the dark with Camper Van Beethoven and Concrete Blonde blasting through my foamy headphones.

I idolized a lot of people. Two that come immediately to mind are Ann Wilson from Heart (I did spend most of my teenage years in a fog of obsession, it's true) and Jack Kerouac. Reading On the Road changed my perception of the kind of life I wanted to lead. Because, for all his lust to find "the ecstatic joy of pure being," I'm not sure he ever really found it. He was so lost in the quest, he never realized that it was always around him all the time. God, I loved writing papers about him.

My most vivid high school memory was making a small anti-war gesture once by wearing a peace t-shirt to an assembly. Let's just say that didn't go over very well. And I got the pleasure of being serenaded with a certain Lee Greenwood song by the entire student body.

Good times, good times.

Don't lick my EYE!---Margaret Cho

 Post subject: Re: did someone say....80s?
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:23 pm 
Oh lord...not high school. *shudder*

Let's I went through several hairstyles in high school. I originally had the god-awful 'fro perm, then an even bigger mistake...I got it cut painfully short (not buzz short, but short enough) and it looked so hideous that I refused to buy my 10th grade yearbook and burned all evidence of those pictures. Junior and senior year consisted of growing the hair out and a spiral perm. During that time my naturally blonde hair began to darken to a very dirty blonde/light brown.

I have, for the last 8 years, sworn off any sort of perm. My hair is back to it's natural straightness, thank god. And it's dyed red-brown.

Extra-curriculars...I was involved in the marching band freshman year. Then, quit that to join the literary magazine, where I was editor for short-story genre. Very fun. I avoided anything related to sports...I have the coordination of a lumbering oaf.

Sense of style...never really into fads. However, my usual dress consisted of jeans or black clothing. Not goth, mother would've suffered a coronary and locked me away...but black, depressing clothing. Silver jewelry. Either no, or very little makeup. Boots, chunky black shoes, or athletic shoes.

Music...pretty much the same as now...just about everything, except for bubblegum pop.

"Yeah, now Santa's gonna pass you right by, you naughty boozehound."
"I'm bored...I might as well do something mindless and unproductive."

 Post subject: Re: did someone say....80s?
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:55 pm 
i was such a troublemaker in high school always gettin in fights and rarely goin to class so i could hang out with punks or goin over to Kathy's house and gettin drunk or goin over late at night and:no : -->>: (think about it people) 80's metal rocks baby!!!!!! yeah!!!!

"There will be no touching of the pendant" Halfrek

Edited by: vamp xander at: 12/12/02 7:05:26 pm

 Post subject: hm...
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 10:30 pm 
I am in high school.

I'm involved in every theater production (usually as a stage manager or assistant director), I'm on the literary magazine, and I'm in the fencing club.

I tutor a kid in physics.

I'm known as smart and aloof--smart because I get decent grades, I read alot and (I've been finding a way to work this into every conversation I've had) I got a 1430 on my PSATs (Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test); aloof because I'm afraid of approaching people to be their friend.

I have long hair. I wear the same hooded sweatshirt every day (its big and blue and really warm). I also wear jeans, a t-shirt, converse high tops and a green safari-type hat.

I listen to the beatles, the velvet underground, weezer, BNL, and Elvis Costello obsessively.

Can someone please find a label for me now?

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 10:38 pm 
Oh, boy... revelation time.

Quick list of extra-curriculars:

Trivia team

Math team

Stage crew

Computer club

Enviro club

and, yes, Star Trek Fan Club

I was the stereotypical four-eyed geek. Still am, in many ways...

" can make those two characters as dewey-eyed in love and it would never be too much."

-Chris Golden, on W/T

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 11:13 pm 
In high school, I was pretty much a good kid that hung out with kids from the honors and ap classes.

I was in the basketball team and helped the softball team when it was the off season. I was also in yearbook, I worked in the sports section of the yearbook. Senior year book was fun cause all my friends worked on it , for a bunch of non cheerleaders we got our pictures in there a lot! I don't think I've really changed much, just thinner. I wore lots of basketball high tops and jeans, it was the late eighties but my hair was the same only probably longer. I'll forget the perm I had in ninth grade, grrr.. There was never a time when I wasn't crushing on a girl back then lol.

I had a lot of friends but no one I ever felt safe with because of my sexuality. It was weird, my friends on the basketball team had running lesbian jokes. We teased each other, pretended, everything you can think of, but it was a "joke," you know? I was really gay and had NO one to talk to about it. Except we had a little sign on a window in the office. A number to call , Project 10, for the gay 10%. I called and talked with the founder Virginia Uribe, she was good to me and because of her I have a commitment to protect gay youth and to support them. The high school newspaper also had information for a young lesbian chat group offered by the city's gay and lesbian center. I wasn't bold enough to go. I waited till the end of high school to go. I went and met my gf, 12 years later, we're still together.



Let's change it, the Discovery channel has koala bears.

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 11:52 pm 
High School = hell

... to me anyways.

I was the shy-quiet girl. Very very insecure and stuff. I was very talkative with friends thou, but when it came to speaking English to people (cuz it's my 2nd language) I felt so incredibly insecure. Y'know, thinking they were going to laugh at me. I didn't do well in class cuz I was afraid of asking for help :X


=[[ Warning: I have an attitude and I know how to use it. ]]=

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 4:20 am 
don't ask!


I was the girl who screwed up her face for our last high school pick and yes they used it.

:laugh :rollin

And I caused major embarrassement to my sister :wave

The vamp nurd *spank me bitch*:jho

 Post subject: Hmmmm. Memories!
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 6:14 am 
Oh, this is a great topic. My response will be short though. Personality-wise, I think I'm exactly the same now in my mid-twenties as I was in high school - shy, interested in reading and choosing to hang out with a few close friends rather than a massive crowd. Despite all that, I wasn't actually that nerdy at school because I was friends with a few cooler kids that I knew from the neighborhood. But I wasn't very interested in much at high school, was dealing with the whole sexuality thing. But I did manage to date a couple of girls, despite being really closeted! And of course, later came college and lots of other gay people. Cool, I thought!

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 6:29 am 
I Am in high school!

And… *drum roll*

I like it. :O

No, not school in general. Just my school. I’ve switched six schools until I reached this one and they have all sucked much ass. Your schools sucked tremendously as well, I’m sure, but my school doesn’t. We’ve got this weird, democratic, humane, tolerant, violence-is-bad brotherly-type vibe going in on.

In high school. Tolerance and pluralism. It’s completely messed up.

Now, to the task at hand… humm. I so badly don’t fit any definition (i.e geek, class clown, etc) that it’s kind of a defining in itself. I’m a grade A student, but I hang out with the freaks and the trouble makers who are always cutting class to smoke. All my friends are guys and I’m the token lesbian, but instead of butch they call me “mommy” ‘cause I make ‘em go into classes. I don’t mock anybody and I haven’t been mocked in so long I forgot what it feels like. I am pegged for brainyness though, but not as much as for pranks and twisted humor. Most of my class just thinks I’m… weird. In an ‘ok’ kind of way. They don’t mind me.

Which is so, so very gracious and good of them. And I know this is majorly messed up – but I really like my high school.

On Buffy, Season 7: ”Bored now…”

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 7:37 am 
I was hellish shy at school, still am pretty much but i was too scared to do anything!! Didn't join clubs or anything, mainly i guess cus they were all sporty ones and thats just not me :no Had to hide a little in the shadow of my older sis (Don't hold anything against her; love her to pieces!) - and it's her i have to thank actually for bringing me out of myself a bit in the end, she started dating a teacher and I found this new courage to stick up for her!

I won prizes - all the teachers loved me cus i "worked so hard" *ahem* They wouldnt believe my mum when she told them i did nuthing! yay teachers pet! woohoo! :p

My best friend deserted me for a popular guy and became a total bitch so i found goood friends, fell for my geog teacher and everything became a bit sunnier! :bounce

Was totally obsessed with Cerys Matthews/Catatonia, so people would talk to me in welsh accents, which i quite enjoyed, and I think they all got the message that i was gay :shock from all the cerys pics plastered over my files and everything.

Yearbook hell - i think i'm in five pics, and wearing the same Cat shirt in each :stink and i have bad hair - i will always have bad hair, damn the frizziness!

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 8:31 am 
Ok I actually really enjoyed school. Is that not cool?

Mostly found on the sports field doing anything I could but also got on well in class so didin't have too many hitches. My best friend was a fabulous goth who I'm sorry to say I've lost touch with, whilst I spent the majority of my time in a denim jacket that went everywhere with me, and it looked it.

Got voted by my teachers as the most likely to be an actress, apparently due to my ability to project my voice. I now realise this as being called 'loud' but hey could've been worse. Besides I can't act, and I talk too fast so noone can understand me anyway.

Got voted by my peers as most likely to be yer friend. Which was odd cause I hated them all :lol No, frighteningly good time actually. But no, I don't miss it. I'm having blast now.

Hair was shocking though. Very dull and boring. It still is.


 Post subject: Re: The Kitten High School Yearbook Thread
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 10:14 am 
I Hated High School with a passion.

I was friends with just about anyone. I had only one arch nemesis, who I scared half to death on a routine basis because she liked tormenting one of my friends. I was a brut of sorts.:devil

I was invovled in a few clubs. Students for the Environment and Yearbook were pretty much it. And I think I popped my head in for the Students Against Drunk Driving Pic. :evil The only reason I am in the yearbook is because my best friend put pictures in without me realizing. I wrote all of the prom picture captions. Funny because I didn't even go to prom. :rolleyes And I don't know who ever thought that if you didn't got to prom you would look back years later and wish you had. I don't feel like that at all. I still strongly stand by my decision 11 years later.

As far as my music tastes, I listened to everything and still do. I can't even remember what was big in my high school years. :hmm I know in junior high I was big with the Duran Duran. *cringes at the thought of walls covered with the band pictures*

The only other significant thing I did in High School was play softball. I played for two years, and then my senior year I quit. What a dork I was. :rolleyes

Introspection must be HELL for you.A bank loan officers comment to me a few years ago.

"There's nothing left to talk about, Unless it's horizontally." Physical--Olivia Newton-John

 Post subject: school
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 10:25 am 
I honestly don't remember much about my last year of school.

It was a long time ago...mid 70's, but well before punk, so that dates me somewhat.... I suppose I was a hippie:sigh

It passed in a fog of incomprehension, about what I was going to do with my life, a vague desire to 'do' college, but in what subject....:

I remember that I was in the rugby team and that I was a flank forward [no.6] and that I was pretty average.

I remember that I had a cute g/f [who later became the bane of my life (see turning points)]

What does stick in my mind is that I discovered surfing in a big way, developed a physique that guurls swooned for, had grown my hair *very* long [which resulted in my been kicked out of school the day the school photo was taken] and had discovered that mixing hash with Citanes [a particularly smelly, but very cool, french ciggie] resulted in a major life-changing condition, for an hour or so. Hence most of the above :spin


love and kisses

Still Waters

..... she wears secrets in her hair......

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 10:37 am 
well, high was ok. I guess cuz I did fairly well in terms of grades so I got to hang with my buddies of, like...1. But that number grew after a while. Now, someone mentioned a spiral perm and I gotta say, NEVER again. no way no how. I had a foofoo thing going on and my clothing mostly made up of the ripped jeans at the knee and crap but getting through to senior year, i must say that I definitely looked better. hehe my gf (at the time) used to comment that my yearbook pic looked like I had FFL (freshly fucked look) GEEZ! I tell ya! No shame! (I have it somewhere but refuse to look for it) anyhoo, throughout my weirdness I was always the band geek, from start to finish. I loved that room. I practically lived in that room! I had also joined softball (which is how I got in shape. I think it was the only reason why I joined :p )

Music, aahmm, well I pretty much listened to anything I understood the lyrics to. Now I pretty much listen to rock (Linkin Park, Tool, Korn, etc.) but on occasion, Journey and other way back bands will rear their heads and get my attention while my gf looks at me like I had grown two of them...yeah, I'm an 80's kid...(I'm not really counting the fact that I went to HS 1990-1994)...

Tk's new and improved "GrrArgg"...Tk's Heaven

"I've become really protective of her. I want to make sure if Tara comes back, it's for good reason." -Amber Benson
Tara ate her, devoured her from beneath. -The Edge of Silence giving new meaning to this season's catch phrase.
"Got it: that's a 'yes' to petals; a 'no' to pricks. I should remember that more often." -On Second Thought

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 10:53 am 

And I spent most of my last two years of high school avoiding and yet hoping to run into The Girl whose mother had forbidden us to be friends. You know why.

LMAO!!! :rollin Young love!

Introspection must be HELL for you.A bank loan officers comment to me a few years ago.

"There's nothing left to talk about, Unless it's horizontally." Physical--Olivia Newton-John

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 11:03 am 
[quote/And I spent most of my last two years of high school avoiding and yet hoping to run into The Girl whose mother had forbidden us to be friends. You know why.[/quote]

:lol oh geez I remember that..this lasted a few months though. Now we IM each other wondering why she got married a year later....long story

Tk's new and improved "GrrArgg"...Tk's Heaven

"I've become really protective of her. I want to make sure if Tara comes back, it's for good reason." -Amber Benson
Tara ate her, devoured her from beneath. -The Edge of Silence giving new meaning to this season's catch phrase.
"Got it: that's a 'yes' to petals; a 'no' to pricks. I should remember that more often." -On Second Thought

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 1:08 pm 
High School for me was...well first of all not all that long ago! About two and half years...geez, it seems like forever.

I was the typical studious, quiet girl. I had glasses, sat in the back of the class, nose in a book, and only talked when absolutly forced to by the teacher. I got good grades, hung out with all the kids in the ap classes and never skipped a class until my senior year. In other words, I was a really big geek. I mostly still am, but it doesn't bother me like it did back then. :)

All I want is a warm bed and a kind

word and unlimited power. -Ashleigh Brilliant

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 1:26 pm 
I was a good girl until the last year :grin Then I made up for it! I was hardly ever in school that year - mostly on the hill or the beach. Much more fun :rollin

Actually, my first year antics caused all the classes in the year to be regrouped so I would be separated from one of my friends......can't imagine why!! :hmm

Music - Beatles and then heavy metal - I am very versatile :grin ;)

Most of my friends were boys. :wink

My hair was usually a bob cut - boring but easy to look after.

Exams were a mess :blush

Made up for it by going to college and re-taking some of them. Got a decent job in the end anyway. ;) I was told I would be good in a shop!!!! I don't think so :rollin :rollin

Miss school from time to time. I think overall I like it.

Going to college in the evenings now so it couldn't have traumatised me too much! :laugh

------------------The only way to have a friend is to be one

 Post subject: High School Was Da Coolest
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 1:40 pm 
I think my Junior High was located somewhere in a lower ring of Hell. It's really the only explanation for the behaviour of the teachers, principal and the other students. Kids used to throw rocks at my head during recess and Mr. Principal told me that it was my fault for being different. I would rather have died than been something I wasn't to please other people.

And then came High School. I was accepted into an Arts program - one of 52 applicants selected from about 700. It was as though I had been catapulted straight from The Inferno into Paradise.

I spent half the day in dance class or drama, and the other half in academic heaven. I adored my history, philosophy, biology and English teachers and I looked forward to spending time in class.

Teachers praised me. They told me about ways I could get involved in community theatre, or get my writing published.

And my friends!

They would bring musical instruments to school and at lunch time we'd write songs like "Hot Tub Of Love".

Four of us girls dressed up as Goddesses for Halloween; Artemis (we even made a silver bow, arrows and quiver for her), Athena (My soul-friend Ashley), Aphrodite (Me) and Demeter.

A handful of us spent our Wednesday nights LARPing. I would skip class to go with my friend Signy to The Only Cafe, where we would drink Diet Coke and I would watch people play pinball and smoke and we would talk about politics and Tori Amos B-sides and gossip about everyone.

At any given time at least one of us girls would have bottle-red hair. Sometimes most of us did. Everyone in our group looked out for everyone else. We'd trade books and do Tarot and Rune readings for one another. No one cared that I was gay.

Ashley had me model nude for her Photography independent study. I'd never felt more beautiful.

Two of us wrote good poetry, all of us wrote bad poetry, we were all doing art and one of us was writing plays.

None of us took ourselves seriously.

It was the best time of my life.

Edited by: Willowmere  at: 1/6/03 7:01:08 pm

 Post subject: Re: hm...
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 1:45 pm 
What I am like in high school...

Well, when I was younger...say, a few years ago, I was known as the absentee. I missed classes a lot due to some problems. But when I got to school, I was a social butterfly. I never had just one group of friends. Some were goodie goodies, some were band geeks, (I play in the band...if that makes me a be it) and others are the bad wannabes who want to get kicked out of the all girls catholic school...hehe...that used to be me as well...also the biggest Willow and Tara fan at my school, tis true.

My hair right now isn't so eightyish no. It's long and straight.

Ad fashion has never been a problem at school, until my girlfriend hemmed my school's skirt a little higher than it's supposed to be. Out side of school, I am known for my sweaters and jackets I wear. Jeans...mostly dark colours. red.

I'm also in the school's communtiy choir...and volunteer at the Church a lot when I'm available.

My music choice...hmmm...I'm fine either way. I grew up with my mom and her sisters singing and writing country songs, so I have that in my blood. But for now...mostly Michelle Branch, Norah Jones, The Corrs, and some other mellow artists. I respect artist who can write and play their own music.

So as my graduation comes up ahead, and the yearbook from last year read I was: most brilliant in the domestic studies and deserves the Christian Attutude Award (oh yeah, I'm also an 'angel' at school...just don't get caught talking about sex during a Mass when a nun is sitting right behind you...) :D

And that's me and my high school yearbook description.

~Holly~ :heart

Show me where to touch you-Tara-It Ain't Fickle

Mommy, how come monkey's can't talk?-Odette

 Post subject: Re: The Kitten High School Yearbook Thread
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 1:47 pm 
Sometimes, I feel as though I've never left high school. A lot of my music students are teenagers, and hearing about their latest high school traumas helps me to re-live mine. Actually, though, my high school years weren't too horrible. Just mildly unpleasant. I hung out with my fellow band members for the most part, and it was a good fit. They tended to be nice, college-bound kids who had fun but didn't get into too much trouble. I had enough credits to graduate after my junior year, so I went off to college instead of sticking around for my senior year. It was like getting out of jail early.

I finally broke down and went to a reunion, just to see how people had changed over twenty years. I was sad to see that some of my classmates had mentally and emotionally never left high school. It was as if their lives had stopped at age 18, and they'd just been marking time since then. I guess high school had been the defining experience of their lives, and they couldn't let it go.

Sound familiar?:joss

Xander: "Tara, nice axing." Tara: "My first."

Edited by: mscheckmate at: 12/13/02 11:56:53 am

 Post subject: Re: High School Was Da Coolest
PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 1:58 pm 
Hmm, I went to two high schools, one in England, one in Scotland. My first one wasn't particularly nice. I lived iin a bad area and there was always gang warfare between my school and our rival school. I didn't like it much there to begin with. I used to get teased because I, supposedly, looked like a boy. Well, I was a bit of a tomboy. I had short hair and had horrible dress sense. lol. Then, in the last two years of that school I became a little more popular... I grew my hair and was the ace field hockey goalkeeper of the school. I can actually say I enjoyed the latter years of that school. Then I moved to Scotland and had to make new friends. In the first year I mainly made acquaintences, not friends. Then, in the second, and final, year I made good friends and met my first girlfriend. It turned out to be good times for me and I enjoyed it very much. I actually spent 7 years in high school, which is very rare from British education. Normally, in England, we only have 5 years in high school, and in Scotland we have 6 years, if you choose to continue your education.

So, in retrospect, high school wasn't really hell for me. I got all the people that teased me back in the end and I got top grades.

Interesting story I know. ;)


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