Title: New Year’s Baby
Author: Ariel
blaziak@yahoo.com Feedback: All feedback welcomed, specific input appreciated. PM to harsh on me!
Rating: NC-17 for and W/T love
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, but I love to take them for a ride!
Summary: AU Meeting at a Childbirth class, love ensues.
Special Thanks: Starr for Willow’s first line of introduction in this fic. To Tina AKA indigokane for inspiring this whole crazy deal and for Kate BeMyDeputy for putting together the thread AND to the Mods who give us the board AND to Xita, our Noble Queen of Kitopia AND to all Kittens past, present, and future! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Thoughts are in italics.Willow sighed in frustration; Buffy had stood her up.
Nu-uh. Nothing new there. In our friendship Buffy is the stander-upper and I’m the stander-downer. ‘Stander downer’? Standup-ee? Stoodup-ee? Does that make any kind of logical sense? Does ANYTHING make any kind of logical sense! She looked around her as couples filed into the Childbirth class and felt herself blush. Then she scrabbled through her purse, grabbed her phone and speed-dialed her best friend’s number. She tapped her foot impatiently through Buffy’s perky recorded message and hissed, “Buffy! I am surrounded here by bulge-y women of the fertility-goddess kind and none of them are you! WHERE ARE YOU?”
Then she heard a ripple of musical laughter and looked down into the most beautiful blue eyes that she had ever seen. Then she saw the left side of the woman’s mouth quirk up adorably into a smile.
Willow was struck dumb as the amazing woman reached out to shake hands, then hesitated at Willow’s lack of response, dropped her head shyly and began to withdraw her hand.
“N-no!” Willow blurted out, “I’m all with the handshake-y stuff!” And she shot her own hand out to catch the other woman’s. She felt a jolt at the contact, almost like a spark of electricity, then noticed that the other woman was staring at her expectantly obviously confused by her silence. “I’m me. Uh, Willow, Willow is me! That sounds awkward, but people get confused that a girl has a tree’s name so I’m explaining that it’s an introduction to a person and not anything botanical.”
Nice Willow, you smooth-talking devil! That is the WORST introduction you have ever done in your entire life! What’ll you do for an encore? Trip and fall into her lap. She allowed her eyes to travel downward,
she doesn’t have a lap! She’s bulge-y. She felt her whole body slump,
she’s taken. Meanwhile the other woman seemed to sense her distress and rubbed her thumb comfortingly on the back of Willow’s hand, then looked down at the movement and blushed. “Um, sorry. I didn’t mean to, you just seemed a little upset.” Then she smiled apologetically and let go of Willow’s hand.
“N-no!” Willow said again,
say something, Rosenberg! She hesitated and the other girl’s smile seemed to glow across her face as she reached up and shook Willow’s hand again and spoke reassuringly.
“It’s okay if you stutter. I used to do it all the time. It took a few years of w-work with a speech pathologist and I still do it if I’m nervous or really happy.” She blushed.
Willow leaned forward, “So are you nervous or really happy?”
“Um, a little of both. It’s the first class and giving birth is so amazing but I don’t know anyone here.”
“Hey!” Willow’s grin was contagious and the other girl’s smile widened, “I don’t know anyone either. Buffy, my best friend, NOT my partner
HAD to get that out of the way asked me to stand in for her husband. He’s deployed in Afghanistan.” Willow shrugged, “Well, the Buffster flaked and—“
“’The Buffster’? That’s a cute nickname. I’m Tara. What would you nickname me?”
Willow swallowed,
gorgeous, beautiful, funny, wonderful – I’d just throw The Happy Adjective dictionary at you! Oh my God! I can’t throw a dictionary at a pregnant woman! It’s a metaphorical dictionary, doofus! Still, Willow reminded herself virtuously,
thoughts count! Then she noticed Tara looking at her and said warmly, “Oh, your name? Beautiful, I couldn’t change it.”
Tara smiled, “Thank you. My mom always felt a real connection to the earth. I mean it’s spelled T-A-R-A, but it sort of channels ‘terra’.” She blinked up at Willow and said softly, “I think ‘Willow’ is a beautiful name, too.”
Willow swallowed, “thank you. Hey, I don’t mean to be all nosy-girl, but is your partner going to show up?”
“They should be here any minute.”
“’They’?” Willow squeaked.
Oh-kay! The litmus test of whether or not I really am a California liberal!Tara sensed her shock and smiled a little tentatively, “They’re my friends, Sandi and Mei. They wanted a baby, but they’re lesbians and there’re some medical issues so I offered to be a surrogate mother for them.”
Willow’s jaw dropped. “Why? I mean, to put your body through all those changes?”
Tara had been looking up, but now her head dropped and her hair covered her face. “I always w-wanted to h-have a baby but I never found the right girl to have one with and—“
Willow saw her draw a shuddering breath and felt her own heart ache.
“—and they‘re late and I don’t know anyone either and I’m all by myself!”
Suddenly Willow sat down and put an arm around Tara’s shoulders, “You know me.” She squeezed her new friend’s shoulder, “so that makes you officially not by yourself. Uh, I mean if you’d like a partner for the class; a me-type partner.” She was about to go into full babble-mode when Tara sighed happily and leaned against her then began an awkward explanation about pregnancy hormones and shyness, but Willow stopped her. “I want to Tara,” she met Tara’s eyes which were shiny with unshed tears, “I really want to. Please don’t apologize,” her voice dropped to a near whisper, “for making me so happy.”
Tara was silent, but she cuddled closer and Willow swallowed and wondered if pregnancy hormones were contagious.
Then the instructor and her husband started the class, welcoming all the participants. She started with an outline of the eight-week class then showed a presentation on the later stages of pregnancy and the stages of childbirth. Willow found herself paying close attention, memorizing most of the material except when she was stealing glances at Tara’s rapt expression. She noticed other couples, giving their pregnant partner a brief back-rub or holding her to provide support and she longed to do the same thing.
I want to hold her, she realized with surprise,
be the one to give her back rub-y goodness and help her up from the beanbag chair. When the instructors talked about massage, it was natural to practice the techniques on Tara; everyone else was doing the same thing. Then the class took a five minute break and she found herself helping Tara up and down, delighting in being on her feet and ready when Tara needed her. Tara had recovered her poise and joked that her bladder had shrunk two sizes in the last week alone; Willow had responded by giving her hand a small squeeze and saying, “It’s a jewel of a bladder, tiny but perfect!”
Tara had laughed again and Willow watched Tara throw her head back while her own eyes caressed the sweet arch of Tara’s neck and the flush of pleasure on her cheeks.
Later in the class Tara had whispered, “Bladder alarm” and Willow leapt to her feet and extended her hand with a flourish, “Milady,” she whispered, and was rewarded with another dazzling smile as Tara got awkwardly to her feet and they left the room together.
“Thanks for the help, Willow.”
“My pleasure,” and Willow realized that she meant it. Then she stood outside Tara’s stall, looking around her aggressively.
I’m all Protect-o-gal. Nobody messes with my Tara. ‘My Tara’? That’s what I want, she realized wonderingly.
I love her. I know, I know. Be cautious, puppy love, been hurt before, yada yada blah blah blah. But there it was, the echo of a vital truth,
I love her. Then she thought rapidly,
Okay, genius girl. How will you see Tara? You can’t just go all lover-y on her, she’ll probably think you’re some kind of pregnancy fetishist stalker-nut! Then the answer came to her.
Be there! An instant later she was on the phone leaving Buffy another message, “This is a GREAT class and you ARE going! You are going next week if I have to come to your house and drag you there myself! You have no choice, end of discussion!” She giggled, suddenly embarrassed by her take-no-prisoners style of invitation, but she didn’t take back a word of it.
When Tara finished washing her hands, Willow offered her arm and Tara smiled and accepted her as an escort as they walked back to rejoin the class. Then she eased Tara back down onto their beanbag chair and scooted close, happy to see Tara smile and do the same. A few moments later Tara took her hand and placed it on her belly and Willow felt a kick bump against her palm. She gasped with amazement and met Tara’s eyes to whisper, “Somebody’s knocking.” Then her hand rubbed the spot and was kicked again, “Hey, baby,” she whispered and unconsciously caressed Tara’s belly in small circles, feeling for another kick.
All too soon the class was over and Willow was getting to her feet, turning to reach down to help Tara when she heard voices calling Tara’s name. Two women, a tall, athletic looking blond and a shorter, curvy Asian-American were hurrying over.
“Tara! Hey, we’re so sorry! My flight from Beijing was delayed and Sandi was stuck waiting for me! We called, but your phone must’ve died.”
Willow was crowded aside as both women reached down and pulled Tara to her feet and hugged her affectionately.
Tara returned the embrace, “I’m so glad y-you came! I was a little worried for the first few minutes.” She turned to smile at Willow and pulled her into the group, “but Willow’s friend didn’t make it either so she helped me instead.”
Sandi, the taller blonde, turned and shook Willow’s hand gratefully. “Hey, thanks so much for taking care of Tara! We hated the idea of her being here alone.” She grinned ruefully, “I think I broke about six traffic laws trying to get here faster!” Her partner gave her a playful slap on the arm then said, “And that’s the LAST crazy driving you get to do for the rest of our lives!” Her voice became tender, “We’ll have a baby to think about.” Sandi nodded and the couple embraced then drew Tara into the hug.
“Bye, Tara.” Willow struggled to keep the forlorn note out of her voice, “It was really great meeting you.”
“H-hey!” Tara pulled herself free of her friends and suddenly enveloped Willow in a baby-bump hug. “Thank you,” she said simply.
Willow felt the baby move against her belly and they both giggled; then Tara spoke softly, her head still hidden on Willow’s shoulder. “You were so nice to help me.”
Willow swallowed past the lump in her throat. “It was my pleasure,” she said again, then added hopefully, “see you next week!”
Tara raised her head and stepped back. “See you,” was all she said but she was close,
too close, kissably close and Willow tore herself away, not wanting to move too quickly but entirely sure about the desired destination.
* * * * * * *
Next week in class was simply horrible. Buffy missed Riley and was on a crying jag. Willow was constantly providing tissues and holding make-up while Buffy kept re-applying her mascara and complaining that it was supposed to be water-proof. During the massage section, Willow kept looking over at Tara and Buffy hissed, “Massage my back! Not my butt!” Willow was mortified and worried that Tara might have seen it and gotten the wrong idea about her friendship with Buffy.
Tara, meanwhile, was practically afloat in affection and support with Mei and Sandi determined to make up for last week’s absence. They helped her up and Willow burned with jealousy,
That’s MY job! and felt utterly useless and unneeded.
Between Tara’s friends hurrying her home and Buffy’s need for help, Willow realized that she and Tara hadn’t exchanged a private word through the whole class.
* * * * * * *
The third week was better and when Sandi left for the bathroom, Mei had some difficulty helping Tara up. “Here,” Willow said smoothly, trying not to sound breathless after sprinting across the room, “let me.”
Tara’s smile was radiant as she took the offered hand. “Milady,” Willow said again, repeating their little joke. “May I use my magic powers to raise you to your feet?”
Tara blushed, “There’s not much magic in an awkward pregnant girl getting up from a bean-bag chair!” Then Tara stood and Willow held Tara’s hand in her own for a moment, caressing the back of it with her thumb the same way that Tara had held hers that first day. Then green eyes met blue. “You’re wrong, Tara,” Willow said softly, “There was plenty of magic.”
* * * * * * *
By the fourth week of class it was obvious to Willow that there must have been some conversation between Tara and her friends, because they would head to the bathroom and Tara would still be sitting, waiting for Willow to help her up and down and they had become bathroom buddies again. Tara’s friends, meanwhile, made an effort to befriend Buffy.
Sandi and Mei still partnered Tara; she was carrying their baby and they would all be together in the birthing process, but they accepted Willow as someone Tara cared about and Willow was delighted.
* * * * * * *
The fourth week, Willow helped Tara to her feet and held her, both sighing into the embrace before stepping apart and smiling a little sadly at each other.
“Hey!” Willow said suddenly, “I’m not all decision-y girl, but I know that I want to go out afterwards with you. Can I drive you home?”
Buffy cleared her throat meaningfully behind them and Willow turned around guiltily. “I mean after I drive my best friend Buffy home first!”
Mei and Sandi approached then smiled and exchanged glances before Mei spoke, “Buffy, can we offer you a ride?”
Buffy grinned, her natural gregariousness taking over, “Love it!” She glanced archly at Willow, “My friend seems a little distracted right now.”
Mei followed her glance and smiled at Tara and Willow, “There seems to be a lot of that going around.”
As various purses, sweaters and other paraphernalia was being handed around, Sandi pulled Willow aside. “Tara is about the best there is. Be nice to her.” She looked intently into Willow’s eyes, “She’s carrying precious cargo and she’s precious all by herself. Do I need to say anything else?”
Willow met the taller girl’s eyes. “No,” she said quietly, “I’ll drive carefully and not let her drink caffeine and—“
“Treat her right?”
“Always.” Willow swallowed, “I care about her.”
* * * * * * *
“Is the seatbelt comfortable?”
Tara smiled, “No, but they never are. Mine always cuts me across the boobs when I’m driving.”
Willow stole an appreciative look at the anatomy under discussion.
Tara caught her glance and turned her head away to hide a smile and murmured, “Breast Gal” to herself.
Willow felt her face get hot. “Yeah, I am. But, but that’s not the first thing I saw or liked about you!”
“What was it, then?”
“First it was your laugh, it was like music. Then your eyes.”
Tara’s voice was teasing, “Then you looked down and realized that I was a “’bulge-y girl of the fertility-goddess kind’.”
“Taaarra! A good memory. Totally not fair!”
“Ssssh,” Tara said gently and gave Willow’s hand a small squeeze, “It made me laugh and I needed a laugh.” Then she continued to hold Willow’s hand.
“That’s me, Funny Girl Willow!” Her heart seemed to be doing some kind of gymnastics at the warm pressure of Tara’s hand and it took her a moment before she could slide her hand from around Tara’s to squeeze back. Then she got an answering squeeze and felt her breath catch.
Neither of them spoke for the remainder of the ride; the silence between them warm with promise.
* * * * * * *
“So, you’re a little over six months along?”
Tara smiled, “You remembered! And I’m due January 21st.”
“So,” Willow hesitated, “This is the fifth class and there’re only 3 more after this.” Tara nodded, looking a bit saddened. “So,” Willow said, determined to press on, “Could we have dinner before class next week and could I drive you home afterwards?”
“I’d love that! Maybe Sandi and Mei could give Buffy a ride again?”
Willow nodded with relief, “That would be great!”
* * * * * * *
Dinner was a success and a movie date followed with long, happy phone conversations sprinkled between classes as well.
Their first kiss happened at the Espresso Pump after their second dinner date. Willow had gotten her usual mocha and Tara had stuck resolutely to chamomile tea. Then they decided to call it a night and climbed into Willow’s car, Willow still clutching the almost empty cup of mocha.
Tara sighed longingly, “I can smell that mocha. I miss it.”
Willow offered the cup, “Well, here! Take it, it’s yours.”
Tara agonized, “I can’t. No alcohol and no caffeine.”
“It’s just a little bit.”
“I know, but I want to be so careful.” Tara caressed her belly lovingly and Willow felt her breath catch at the tender sight.
“Well, Tara, I thought of a way. I could drink this last bit then kind of,” Willow cleared her throat, “kiss you.”
Tara’s smile was teasing, “I couldn’t ask you to make that kind of sacrifice.”
“I have to. I’m kind of noble that way.”
Then their eyes met and the banter and pretense fell away. They turned and their lips met in a kiss that started out to be a tender exploration and soon became an urgent need.
“I w-want you, Willow!”
“Me, too! I mean, with wanting you as in Tara, not me wanting me and—“ Tara leaned in to take possession of Willow’s mouth for their second kiss and Willow discovered that Tara’s cure for babbling was a brilliant success. They made out in the tiny car like two passionate teen-agers and gave each other everything that bucket seats and a pregnant body would allow.
They parted at last, to stare at each other in breathless wonder and both said, “I love you” at the same instant and laughed with foolish joy at the coincidence.
Tara broke the happy silence. “Willow, can you, um, come over to see me? I’d like to make you dinner and,” Tara ducked her head shyly, “h-have some time together.”
Willow’s finger was gentle as she tipped Tara’s head up to say softly, “I hope that I heard a ‘really happy’ stutter because that’s exactly how I feel right now. I’d love to come to your place, baby, and I’d love to spend time with you.”
“This coming Wednesday, then, after our seventh class? Say about 7:00.”
Willow nodded happily, “I’ll be there!”
* * * * * * *
Dinner was good, Steak Dianne with onions and mushrooms sautéed in a delicious wine sauce and a fine tossed salad, and crusty home baked bread with garlic butter. There was even red wine for Willow, although Tara stuck with cranberry juice.
“When I have the baby, would you, um be there with me? Sandi and Mei will be there, but I’d love to have you with me, too.”
Willow swallowed and simply left her chair, walked around behind Tara’s chair and hugged her. “I’d love to.”
Tara sighed and Willow tightened their embrace, “Count on me, Tara.”
“I am.” Tara answered softly.
After dinner they sat on the couch and just talked. It was real talk; sharing genuinely about themselves at a deeper level, but it was also a dance – a mating dance and they were ready.
It began with gliding kisses and the sensuality of drinking each other’s hot breaths. Then Tara reached over to help Willow unbutton a few buttons and slid her hand inside Willow’s bra to cup her breast in a warm hand while Willow moaned softly at the touch. Breast play continued and soon Willow was fumbling a bit over the buttons to Tara’s blouse and reaching behind her to unfasten her bra and free Tara’s breasts.
Willow’s eyes widened and Tara said anxiously, “Too much?”
“N-no, not at all!”
Tara’s voice was teasing, “’is that a ‘really happy stutter’?” Willow nodded silently and Tara continued, “I’m glad.” Then she took in the look on Willow’s face, “Sweetie, you look like a kid in a candy store.”
Willow looked from one breast to the other and back, “Two candy stores,” she said hoarsely; then bent to take a nipple into her mouth while Tara melted back into the couch, sighing with pleasure.
They found ways to be creative, turning where they could, and Tara knelt on the floor then lifted her eager lips to Willow’s swollen bud while Willow’s legs dangled off the edge of her lover’s bed. Then Tara straddled Willow and let Willow’s tongue thrust up and begin a slow, torturous feasting on her dripping center and aching nub while Willow’s fingers filled her and began a rhythmic thrusting that set her keening a pure high note of utter pleasure followed by growls as she bucked and rode out a series of powerful orgasms. As passion increased, there was more ways to celebrate their love and desire and they tried them all.
At the end, they lay replete, panting slightly in each other’s arms, warmed by the afterglow.
“So, Tara; New Year’s Eve is coming and I—“
Tara’s eyes lit up with pleasure, “I’d love to go to a party with you! Can we dance?”
“Oh. Well, I thought we could, you know, just take it easy.”
Tara smiled sincerely, “I’d love to spend New Year’s together,” but there was a visible dimming from the glow of her initial enthusiasm.
“Tara? Did you really want to go out? I thought, I mean you’re due in a month and I know you get tired.”
Tara nodded and swallowed, “Um, I was being silly. You’d talked about all your fun dancing at the Bronze in college and various New Year’s Eve parties so I kind of, well, it’s foolish, really.”
“Tara.” Willow’s voice was gently insistent.
“I-I bought a dress that’s all. But I never w-wore it and I h-have the tags and I can return it and—“
“Nope. You are going to wear that dress and I’m taking you out.”
“Willow, no. I didn’t mean to guilt-trip you—“
“AND, I will be looking forward to showing off the most beautiful woman in the world. But you have to promise to take a long afternoon nap, rest up and I’ll pick you up at 9:00 for a late supper and dancing. Okay?”
There was some more chatter about New Years and Tara’s steadfast refusal to show her dress in spite of Willow’s playful attempt to kiss her into submission. Then they drifted off to spend their first real night together, asleep in each other’s arms.
* * * * * * *
They had a scrumptious dinner of dim sum and Willow stared dreamily, watching Tara empty plate after plate, then Willow would move the piles of plates over to her side of the table so that Tara didn’t feel embarrassed about being so hungry.
Tara pursed her lips and offered a grateful air-kiss for Willow’s understanding and Willow felt the familiar warm fluttering in her belly.
I love Tara and she loves me.“I love dim sum! Thank you, Sweetie.”
“You’re welcome. Now how about you take that coat off and let me see your dress?”
“I w-want to surprise you.”
Okay, Rosenberg. Separating Tara from her coat. Plan A. She leaned forward, “Baby, you might catch cold, getting all overheated then crossing the parking lot with a cold wind blowing. So take the coat off right here.”
Tara smiled reassuringly, “They’ve proved that that doesn’t matter. It’s entirely viral.”
Moving to plan B. Oh! Tara, there’s a stain on the back of your coat, I just saw it when you turned around for some more dim sum! Here, sit down and I’ll take it to the bathroom for you and scrub it off!”
Tara gasped, “Where?” Then her eyes narrowed and she offered a knowing smile. “Nice try, Willow!”
“Tara, did you know that there have been several uh coat high-jackings in the area? I should probably—“
Tara’s laughter rippled between them and Willow gave up on plans C through E and ended up simply smiling across the table at her beloved who smiled right back.
* * * * * * *
“Here we are, rooftop dancing on New Year’s Eve. It’s packed Tara, do you still want to—“
They waited in a long line for one of the three elevators to be free, then hurried over when they heard the announcing ‘ping’ of an opening door. A young man, held the door open and smiled at Willow, “There’s room for you and your wife, come on in!”
Willow felt a face splitting grin on her face and escorted Tara proudly inside the elevator where she put an arm around her lover’s waist.
“Look, Willow, aren’t the stars bright tonight?”
“The brightest, baby.” Then Willow sang, “’But, I only have eyes for you’” and pulled Tara into her arms.
Tara was delighted, “I didn’t know you could sing.”
“I still don’t know if I can sing,” Willow quipped, “But being with you makes me want to.”
“Well, I loved it.” Then Tara ducked her head, suddenly shy, “Could you take my coat?”
“Sure, baby!” Willow assisted Tara with her coat gracefully, having had plenty of practice, but Tara stood with her back to Willow even after her coat had been removed.
“Um, I just want it to be pretty enough for you.”
“Turn around.”
Tara lifted her face and managed a stylish twirl and looked eagerly for Willow’s reaction. “Am I pretty enough?”
Tara stood in an empire waist, electric blue dress with spaghetti straps, made of shining satin that seemed to flash with moonlight on its folds.
Willow’s jaw dropped. “Pretty? No. More like gorgeous, radiant, amazing and—I could go on all night!”
Tara slid into her arms, “And I could, too.”
The hours before New Year’s went by. They paced themselves, Willow tenderly solicitous and Tara accepting her help while they both thoroughly enjoyed their first night of dancing together.
It was magic. The moon cast a silvery glow on their faces while the stars seemed determined not to be eclipsed by the moon and shone with extra brightness. The cold air was racy, teasing their nostrils tickling their skin.
Then the New Year’s Eve bells began tolling, a cacophonous welcome of shouting, honking, banging pots, firecrackers, and laughter.
“Happy New Year, Tara. This is our year.”
Tara nodded, and they shared a tender kiss then her eyes went wide.
“Tara? Baby, don’t you have something to say to me?”
“My water broke.”
* * * * * * *
Other New Year celebrations followed. At first it was dancing again, and finally it involved hiring baby sitters, but the love remained as glowing and warm between them as it had been on their first New Year’s Eve together.
How I Met Your Mother