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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 1:09 am 
9. Gay Now
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Yay for excellent update-y goodness...

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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:48 pm 
3. Flaming O
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Azirahael, you know good and well that Vampyregurl is 'lurking' around here, somewhere!!
I am still hanging on your every post, though, so don't stop!!
Great work.

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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:07 am 
9. Gay Now
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MotherD wrote:
Azirahael, you know good and well that Vampyregurl is 'lurking' around here, somewhere!!
I am still hanging on your every post, though, so don't stop!!
Great work.

Ok. New post tomorrow :)

“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:17 pm 
9. Gay Now
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The Beginning

“I’m telling you Wills’ I have a good feeling about today,” Buffy said.

Willow smiled. “You’re pretty chipper today, Buff. What’s got you in such a good mood?”

Buffy bopped around her room cheerfully, packing her bag for school.

“What, I can’t be happy to go to school?”

That got a raised eyebrow. “Who are you, and what have you done with the real Buffy?”

Buffy zipped up her bag, put her hair up under her favourite hat, and towed Willow upstairs.
“C’mon Willow, I’ve got a feeling we don’t want to be late today.”

“Well, whatever it is, I want to bottle it,” Willow said.

Buffy poked out her tongue, spread her wings and took off.
Willow smiled, and followed close behind.


“I just wish I knew what got you in such a good mood,” Willow said as they opened the doors to the library.

“Buffy in a good mood? Oh noes! The world is ending!” Xander said.
He sat down, and Buffy promptly used his knees as a foot rest.

He returned the favour by wedging his comic between her stylish, yet comfortable boots, and using her as reading stand.

“Silly Xander,” Willow said. “Buffy’s happy to be at school.”

“Hey I just have a good feeling about…” her voice trailed off.

Willow looked up and saw her friend’s face had gone blank. The little brain hamster had clearly fallen off its wheel.
There was a yearning to that blankness, and a tear rolled down Buffy’s cheek.

She stood, nearly spilling Xander off his chair. And she moved across the room with the kind of relentless, utterly unstoppable motion, typically associated with glaciers. Or maybe continental drift.

Willow tracked across and saw a dark haired girl. Sleek and powerful, dressed in dark clothes, and clearly a warrior.
Her eyes were wide as the tiny blonde bore down on her.

She instinctively held up a hand, and Buffy interwove her fingers.

The girl nodded. In shock and awe.
“Mine,” she replied, her eyes like saucers.

Willow and Xander looked at each other in amazement.

“Faith? Have you found the lib- oh here it is,” said a soft voice, as someone opened the library doors.

Blue eyes met green.

And suddenly the universe was a much better place.



“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:21 pm 
9. Gay Now
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Also, i'm gonna do up the little side story, explaining what happened when some of the Scoobs got turned into kids.

I realised when i re-read it, that Willow and Tara are front and centre, so i figure i can include it :)


“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:23 pm 
9. Gay Now
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“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:24 pm 
9. Gay Now
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“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:51 am 
9. Gay Now
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Yay for great update-y goodness...

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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:17 pm 
3. Flaming O
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Okay, Az,....way to go,.....excellent work,...REALLY loved!! it!!!!
This was an excellent (I've used that word already haven't I?!) story from beginning to end; and of course all of the add-ons were superb, as well.
NOW,.....let's have you start one about the little mini-slayer Hope, and the "strawberry twins"!!!
Keep writing, 'cause I'll darn sure keep reading.

Open Mind...True Words....Charitable Heart

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 2:03 am 
9. Gay Now
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MotherD wrote:
Okay, Az,....way to go,.....excellent work,...REALLY loved!! it!!!!
This was an excellent (I've used that word already haven't I?!) story from beginning to end; and of course all of the add-ons were superb, as well.
NOW,.....let's have you start one about the little mini-slayer Hope, and the "strawberry twins"!!!
Keep writing, 'cause I'll darn sure keep reading.

Hi MotherD!

Glad you liked it :)

Yeah, adventures of the newest terrible trio and their adventures with their parents, and the changing world, does seem like a good setting to have a new adventure.

And as a roleplaying setting, it would be great fun.

But, i have no huge drive to write another story. And it took a lot to get this finished.

I'll try and finish the little 'Scoobies as Kids' side story. At some point.
But i'm done here.

As things stand, i have no plans to write a new story.
Though, it has been said that it's a bug you can't get rid of :P

Not leaving the Board, so don't panic, but i probably won't be writing.
Though if anyone needs a beta-reader, lemme know :)

Glad to be done, phew.

“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:19 pm 
8. Vixen
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(in my best Oliver Twist voice) Please sir, may we have some more?

Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 1:56 am 
9. Gay Now
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vampyregurl73 wrote:
(in my best Oliver Twist voice) Please sir, may we have some more?

Nope. Missed your chance. :P

I sat on the last 2 3 chapters for a couple of weeks, waiting for you to say that, and you were nowhere to be seen.
And now the story is done.

There's the missing chapter, but you'll be waiting a while for that.
Need inspiration for 'scooby kids are adorable and funny.'

but generally, i'm done.

“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:36 am 
6. Sassy Eggs
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Great story Azirahael. These last few wrap up chapters moved at a quick pace. You mentioned Faith telling off the UN a few times so I was expecting the "I am Slayer! Hear me Roar!" chapter, but I did not expect a time skip forward to the point where everyone ascended to become timeless energy beings watching the heat death of the universe. Then Dawn hits the reset button of course.

Sorry for not posting my thoughts earlier. The last two months got busy around here, but I had to let you know how much I enjoyed this ride you took us on.

Time and Time Again

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 10:58 pm 
9. Gay Now
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Hiya Citanul!

In honour of your comment, here is a little snippet i wrote when stuck at a public event.
No prises for guessing what job i was stuck on :P

The open day:

“Whose stupid idea was this?” Buffy said, looking annoyed.

Hordes of tiny tots bounced and screamed their head off all around.

Willow raised one eyebrow, Tara-fashion.
“I assume you’re being ironic? Because we both know this was your idea.”

Buffy huffed. “Yes. I was being ironic. I would like to make an amusing point without someone bursting my bubble. For once.”

“Let’s have a bouncy castle, you said.”

“Yes, I know and-”

“The kids need to be socialized with other kids, you said.”

“Yes well that was Fai-”

“We should have an open day you said.”

“Hey, it was a good-”

“It will be good PR you said.”

“Hey! It is good PR!”

“I don’t wanna be like those stuffy queens you said.”

“Yes! And queen Beatrix is awesome! She goes shopping for groceries and everything!”

“Which is why you are manning… womaning… queening, the bouncy castle,” Willow said.

Buffy poked out her tongue.

“Very regal.”

Buffy grinned.

Willow shook her head in amusement. They said that people eventually started to look like their pets. Or partners.
Looks like it was true.
She looked over Buffy’s shoulder, and her heart melted.

It was a big bouncy castle. The biggest they could find.
And it was covered in kids.

And yet despite that she had absolutely no trouble picking out the two strawberry blondes and their honey blonde BFF/sister.

And they were shrieking louder and jumping higher than anyone.
A lot higher.

The sheer joy almost poured off them.

And they seemed to like heights.
Absolutely fearless, the trio.

And up above, taking excited kids for a spin around the campus, Tara and Faith.

“Mommy look! We flying!” Hope shouted.

Faith and Tara both dipped their wings to show that they’d heard.
There was no possible way they could have heard, but the ‘family phone line’ had its uses.

And oh boy, Willow was dreading puberty. Things tended to ‘leak’ when emotions ran high.
She shuddered. Luckily, that was a few good years away, even at the rate their little darlings sprouted.
Even with their active lifestyles, none of the three munchkins ever wore out even their favourite clothes.

Willow sent a silent prayer to the Goddess, for just a couple more years without flying kids.
Apparently the Goddess was listening, because despite their impressive bouncing powers, they all three failed to fly.


Buffy groaned as she lost. Again.

Willow shook her head. “How are you so bad at rock-paper-scissors? You can read her mind!”

“She’s sneaky!” Buffy protested.

“Pfft!” Faith said. “More like I know you can’t help but peek,” Faith responded.

“Oh dear. Our Queen is a sneak. Well, Empress really,” Willow said.

“Hey, I can barely deal with being queen!” Buffy protested. “Empresses are all old and stuffy. Like dowagers or duchesses and stuff.”

“Sorry your Imperial Highness,” Willow said with a cheeky grin.

Buffy’s eyes narrowed in mock outrage. “Hey, your Queen says knock it off. I’m not above adding some more superfluous ‘Esses’ to your title, o ‘Sorceress Supreme of the Summer Lands.” Buffy said. “I’m pretty sure I can add ‘super-supreme’ or maybe just ‘silly’ to the list.”

“I’m impressed you got ‘superfluous’ right,” Willow said cheekily.

Buffy’s eyes narrowed to a squint.

Willow poked her tongue out.

“What’s the penalty for disrespecting the Queen by poking your tongue at her?” Buffy said to Faith.

“According to the post-it note stuck to the big book-o-law, a good tickling,” Faith said.

Willow’s eyes widened. “Nononono!”

Buffy wiggled her fingers.

Willow shrieked and ran off, with Buffy in hot pursuit.

“Run mommy!” squeaked a strawberry-blonde figure from somewhere in the castle.

Xander wandered up with some balloons, and started passing them to giggling kids.

Though even helium balloons did not attract as much attention as the Queen of Summer hotly pursuing the Sorceress Supreme round and round a bouncy castle at high speed.

“What was it this time?” he asked an amused Faith.

From the bouncy castle, all bouncing had stopped as the various tots and kiddies shouted encouragement to their favourites.
Three little blondes dangling from the netting at the top of the castle shrieked the loudest encouragement of all.
“Run mommy!”
“Get Willow mommy!”




They made a number of high speed circuits of the bouncy castle before Slayer stamina won out and Buffy successfully pounced Willow.

“Noooo!” she shrieked in tickle terror.

“We’ll save you mommy!” shouted a pair of tots as they piled out of the castle to rescue their mother.
Only to be tackled and tickled by Buffy.

“Wanna?” Faith said, nodding to the shrieking mass.

“Sure,” Xander said, and tickled Faith.


An interminable number of minutes later, the red faced Empress of Summer lay on the grass surrounded by her family.
All still breathing somewhat hard.

“Still feeling stuffy, Empress?” Willow said between breaths.


“Don’t start.”

There was a click sound and Buffy lifted her head, to see Tara taking a photo.

“I’d say you’re safe from stuffiness,” Tara said.

Buffy patted the grass next to her.
And Tara joined them.

And that was to remain the most iconic photo of the royal family for decades.


“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:52 am 
9. Gay Now
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Yay for nice family moment...

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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:11 pm 
5. Willowhand
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hi all was curius is part 1 around I saw this was called part 2 and wanted to read the first part

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 2:43 am 
9. Gay Now
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cammy wrote:
hi all was curius is part 1 around I saw this was called part 2 and wanted to read the first part

Yes. I updated the thread title, rather than start a new thread.
So this thread includes parts 1 and 2.

I have a side story involving a spell gone wrong, and a smaller after-story that i'm working on, but they are not released yet :P

“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:44 am 
4. Extra Flamey
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I know I disappeared for quite a while, but this has been a delight to read from beginning to end. The scale of the adventures, the love, the humour it was fantastic. :applause :dumbo :applause

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Tara: I am, you know.
Willow: What?
Tara: Yours.
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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:37 am 
3. Flaming O

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Azirahael wrote:

Now, tonight’s episode is a bit short.
The reason for this, is that the second part of it violates FAQ for the board.

So, the second half is available at the other end of this finely crafted link:

Various file types. If anyone has trouble with it, just message me, and tell me what format you want :P

Rereading this and got to this part. Love the story and I'm just checking if you still got this part backed up somewhere because all four of those links are dead and I'd love to see the missing piece.

Great work with the worldbuilding, it's a great thing for those of us who consider the PTBs to be grey hats(at best) and who really hate prophecies. ;)

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 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:43 pm 
9. Gay Now
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There ya go.
Just rearranged my dropbox a bit.

“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: Coming home part 2 - And The Stars Shall Fall
PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:04 pm 
3. Flaming O

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Thank you!

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