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 Post subject: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 19 07/05/13 - COMPLETE
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:50 am 
8. Vixen
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Chapter One

Pairing: W/T – eventually.

Rating: PG – watch chapters for changes.

Disclaimer: I in no way, shape or form own the characters from BtVS. This is completely AU, and there may be some dialogue stealing on my part here and there. There’s no hellmouth, no oogly-booglys, to quote Jean Paul Sartre "Hell is other people". So there may be some angst, near misses but inevitably there will be a happy ending.


Feedback: Yes, please, let me know if you want more.

Author’s Note: This is just an idea, not really sure where it’s going. I know it's short and I do have more, but for now I just thought I’d throw it out and see how it goes over. This does not mean Dry Heat won’t get finished for those of you following it, it just means I need a bit of a break to do something a little different. Also there is no beta, so any mistakes are all my own. Anything glaring pm me and I’ll take care of it.

Leaving the Past Behind aka Leaving Las Vegas

The grating sound of motor as it turned over was still not as hard as when I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw her waving as I drove away. I think I had hoped she would stop me, beg me to stay – say it was all a silly mistake and if we could just talk a little we’d get through it… but she didn’t.

And I left.

I just managed to keep it together until I hit the highway, and it seemed like every radio station was out to get me. REM “Everybody Hurts” – hit scan for a new station – Nazareth “Love Hurts” – hit scan – Gloria Estefan “Anything for You” – mash the button a little harder – Michael Bolton “How Am I Supposed to Live Without You” – that’s when I knew that someone out there really hated me.

I seethed between gulps of air, and more waves of tears. The cherry on the sundae was when I rolled passed the “You are now leaving the Las Vegas City limits” sign, and my most recent scan of radio stations stopped on Sheryl Crow’s voice stridently proclaiming that she was “Leavin’ Las Vegas!” I rolled my eyes and groaned. I couldn’t take anymore.

I pulled over so I could hang my head and cry, because so was I. I was leaving her behind and I felt like not only was my heart breaking but my life would no longer be happy ever again. Heartbreak does that to a girl. I don’t know how long I sat there in my beat up truck with the clichéd u-haul attached heading back to the little town in the mountains where it all started – where I called home.

I started my truck again, hastily turning off the radio all together. I pulled some fast food napkins from my glove box and blew my nose. As I pulled back out onto the highway the last strains of the song ran through my head again.

“I'm leaving Las Vegas, And I won't be back, No I won't be back, Not this time”.

Last edited by vampyregurl73 on Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:34 pm, edited 24 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:33 pm 
9. Gay Now
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this might be my first ever!

This is pretty good writing.
Pretty intense.
at this point we could be watching over Tara's shoulder or Willow's.
Unless i'm a spoon and missed something.
If i have, it's cow time for me.

I look forward to more.
I wanna know what's happening.
Also more Dry Heat :bounce
No pressure!


“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade
PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:53 pm 
5. Willowhand
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A very intriguing start. You did such a good job of writing it with such a haunting quality. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where you take this. :applause

Anya: I don't like the sound of this. They don't sound very ex-demon compatible.
Tara: Are you sure they're English? I thought English people were, um, gentler than uh... normal people.

An Everyday Life

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:18 am 
8. Vixen
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Hi! Congratulations on your first dibs!

I'm glad you like it so far, and you're right. I haven't yet really told you through whose eyes you are seeing this and I may not for a few chapters, but they will be short chapters as I don't see this being a horribly long story.

Thanks for the love on Dry Heat - I promise I will finish it, I do!

Thanks for commenting, it always means so much!



I've always meant to send you a pm asking where in Maryland you, I grew up there, but that's neither here nor there.

With that said, I'm glad I've been able to draw you in, I hope you continue to enjoy!


Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
My stories:
"Dry Heat – In Progress (still)" "Penny Arcade - Completed"
My Fic Challenge entries:
"Fireworks" "Promise" "I Did What Last Night?"

Last edited by vampyregurl73 on Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 2 02/09/10
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:22 am 
8. Vixen
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Chapter Two

Pairing: W/T – eventually.

Rating: PG – watch chapters for changes.

Disclaimer: I in no way, shape or form own the characters from BtVS. This is completely AU, and there may be some dialogue stealing on my part here and there. There’s no hellmouth, no oogly-booglys, and to quote Jean Paul Sartre "Hell is other people". So there is your angst warning, along with near misses but inevitably there will be a happy ending.


Feedback: Of course please, it’s a fanfic author’s lifeblood!

The Long Journey Home

797 miles – 1,282.647 kilometers. I've driven over a lot of the forty-eight contiguous states, but no drive ever seemed as long as that one.

Normally this wouldn't have been so bad. I like to drive, it clears my head, but drives like these had to be in a special level in hell reserved for the heartbroken. I felt like a man walking down for execution because as far as I was concerned I had nothing left to give. I couldn’t eat, I would pull over at rest stops to take little cat naps. Not the safest I know but I did what I had to. I stopped for gas and to call Erik to let him know I was okay. And thankfully even in the middle of nowhere I could find bottles of Starbucks Frappuccinos™ to drink.

Long miles full of self-recriminations, tears, agony and all the fights playing over and over in my head like Satan’s worst home movies ever. It should have taken about thirteen hours, but between the endless stream of tears, it took far longer. I swore I’d never let anyone make me feel the way she had, I’d never give up so much of myself ever again. I had so willingly lost myself in her – in “us”. During the long drive back to Colorado Springs, I made so many promises to myself.

I drove for a straight twenty four hours – and I made a whole lot of promises to myself. When I finally pulled into Erik’s driveway, I sat there for a moment. I felt like hell, I ached physically and mentally, so I’m pretty sure I looked like it too. I remember jumping when my door popped open, and I looked to see Erik standing there. Tall, broad shouldered – every girl’s dream – just not mine.

He looked at me sadly and opened his arms and I fell into his warm hug. I thought I had cried all my tears by then – I was wrong. I remember him sweeping me up into his arms and carrying me inside while I cried on his shoulder. My knight in shining armor, my best friend, my confidant – he was always the one who listened without judging, and the one who encouraged me to be strong regardless of how much it may hurt.


Erik and I had been friends since my parents moved us to Colorado Springs when I was in middle school. My dad taught at the Air Force Academy and Erik was a “townie”. Meaning his family wasn’t attached to any of the three military installations in any way. We moved a lot, and while making friends wasn’t easy, they never lasted longer than a year or two tops. Erik’s was the exception to that rule, much to my benefit.

We had gym together in seventh grade, and after I managed to shoot our stereotypically butch female gym teacher in the ass with an arrow – well an instant friendship was formed. Fortunately for Ms. Carter it was just a flesh wound and only needed stitches, and she passed me but kept me away from all the pointy things…the throw-able things… pretty much everything, so I really couldn’t complain at the time.

He was the first person I came out to when I was seventeen – and then proceeded to try and sneak me into a topless bar to celebrate. That was a night I’ll never forget, but I’m getting sidetracked and that’s a story for another time.


We sat on his couch and he listened to everything I had been leaving out of our conversations for the last year almost. The horrible words, the painful lies finally told and the bitterness of her ultimate betrayal. My tears never seemed to cease until I finally told him about the cheating and why I really left, or why she was leaving me. She wanted the one thing I couldn’t give her, and so she left me for a man.

She said she wasn’t in love with him, said he knew her feelings and what she wanted from him. But he was in love with her, and if that’s what he could get, well, that’s what he would take. I sat stunned, with everything else, how could I believe her? I raged that there were other ways we could have had children, so for her to say she felt nothing she had to be a liar as well as a cheater.

And obviously she took me for a fool. She knew I wouldn’t share. So I went home, with my tail tucked between my legs and a heavy shattered heart.

I told Erik it all, and then I slept for the next four days.

Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
My stories:
"Dry Heat – In Progress (still)" "Penny Arcade - Completed"
My Fic Challenge entries:
"Fireworks" "Promise" "I Did What Last Night?"

Last edited by vampyregurl73 on Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:31 am 
32. Kisses and Gay Love
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Ouch. I feel like this is Tara but maybe not. Actually now that I type that I'm wondering if it says and I didn't even read thoroughly enough to know. Anyway... I'm always glad to read a wrongful breakup before our girls meet. It hurts but hopefully it gives a nice clear playing field as it were. Erik sounds fantastic. Well done.

Menorah Tales | Working It Out | Random Bits

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:02 am 
20. Not one Much for the Timber
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Hey Heather!

Nice start! AU with no hellmouth is probably my most favorite thing to read, so I do hope you continue. Especially now that you have me curious as to who's POV this is. My instinct tells me that it's Tara, but maybe you have a surprise up your sleeve? hmm... :hmm

Anyway, please continue and BTW...I totally get your need to do something different after only writing DH for the last yr. I'm right there with you, lol.

ETD: I know that it's not the title, but now 'Penny Lane' is stuck in my head!!! Thanx. lol

Shelby - Racing The Rain (IN PROGRESS) / Baby Makes Three (IN PROGRESS) / The Santa Line / Everything She Does...Is Beautiful / Calfornia Grass

"Transform your pain. Release your past. And ... uh ... get over it."
~Willow, Where The Wild Things Are

Last edited by Finey_McFine on Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:58 am 
5. Willowhand
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Oh my lanta!!!

I want more! Please! More for this one and dry heat...just sayin. ha

"When Mother Nature starts howling and crying...I smile. I love thunder storms!"

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 2 02/09/12
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:44 pm 
3. Flaming O
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Holy moly!

I'm addicted already. I can't wait to see where this story is headed.

Hope for and update soon! Please!

“Even if I did get past all my problems, I'm just gonna get out and get new ones.”
Ally McBeal

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 2 02/09/12
PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:44 pm 
7. Teeny Tinkerbell Light
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Wow, this is fantastic!

I read both updates twice. So, since there is a complete lack of babble, I'm gonna guess that this is Tara too.

Can't wait to see where you go from here...

The kitten formerly known as SMGOVAN ~Official Head of Security for the Finey_McFine fan club. Ass whippings will be handed out liberally!

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 2 02/09/12
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:54 pm 
5. Willowhand
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Oh man, I usually avoid things with high potential for angst, but I couldn't resist when I saw it was by you!

As usual, I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting for what comes next. I'm gonna jump on that 'I Bet It's Tara!' boat too.

"If I can't be a good example, might as well be a horrible warning."

"Friendship is obviously magic. Love is a sorta super strong friendship. We gay people love so hard we broke 'Social Norm'. Ergo, we gay people are ultra-strong wizards."

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 2 02/09/12
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:50 pm 
5. Willowhand
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Wow, another incredible update. I'm just getting further and further intrigued by this story. I am flip-flopping back and forth on who's POV this is. I can't make up my mind but at this point I'm totally willing to wait to find out just because you're writing it so well. Looking forward to more. Well as long as you don't forget about D.H. :)

Anya: I don't like the sound of this. They don't sound very ex-demon compatible.
Tara: Are you sure they're English? I thought English people were, um, gentler than uh... normal people.

An Everyday Life

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 2 02/09/12
PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:22 pm 
2. Floating Rose

Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:12 pm
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Location: Colorado Springs Colorado
I am loving this story. I live in Colorado springs. What made you pick colorado sprs?

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 2 02/09/12
PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:02 am 
8. Vixen
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***To All, you can start a betting pool as to the POV I'm writing from but at this point I won't tell. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.***


Yes, we all need an Erik or Erica as the case may be, mine is actually named George. :) Thanks for reading.


Hey there, lady!

Yes, I've been at D.H. for more than a year now and I just had to stop and do something else. I don't anticipate this being the long story D.H. is, I just don't feel that. A bit of angst a bit of fluff but everyone will be happy in the end, lol.

Glad you're enjoying it, so I'll keep writing it!


You had me rolling with "Oh My Lanta"! that was great. D.H. is not forgotten, so don't worry.

Oh, Tums works too. ;)


I'm glad I've pulled you in, now let's hope I can keep you interested!


Now, Grimmy, I'm not telling who it is so you'll just have to be a patient little kitten and wait with everyone else to find out.... but I will tell you it's a "she". :-p


Lol, maybe I really should start a poll for this but what sort of prize could I give to the winners for guessing correctly?

Glad you're enjoying it even though angst isn't generally your cup of tea, so thanks for reading.


Thank you for the kind words and thanks for taking the time to comment.


I loved Colorado springs when I lived there (many, many, many moons ago) and Manitou Springs as well and that's actually where the arcade I'm using in my story will be. If I could afford on of the houses there, believe me I would buy one in a heartbeat!

So I picked it because it holds a special place in my heart. :flower


Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
My stories:
"Dry Heat – In Progress (still)" "Penny Arcade - Completed"
My Fic Challenge entries:
"Fireworks" "Promise" "I Did What Last Night?"

 Post subject: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 3 02/13/12
PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:25 am 
8. Vixen
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Chapter Three

Pairing: W/T – eventually.

Rating: PG – watch chapters for changes.

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the BtVS characters, or dialogue – so I beg of Joss Whedon, ME , Fox, UPN & whoever else to not sue me – trust me I don’t have anything but a cranky 10 year old cat, a 3 year old cat that’s an attention whore – so you may want her, & a 16 year old car. I do however own the original characters as long as I can keep them from bickering. This story is completely AU, there’s no hellmouth, no oogly-booglys, and to quote Jean Paul Sartre "Hell is other people". So there is your angst warning, along with near misses (you may want to buy some tissues) but inevitably there will be a happy ending.


Feedback: Is always much desired and appreciated


Have I mentioned that Erik is awesome? Well, it bears repeating. I slept for almost thirty hours before I crawled out of bed for the first time to answer the call of nature. When I came back, I noticed a bottle of water, and an apple had been left on the nightstand by the bed. I guzzled the water down quickly, but left the apple untouched before I crawled under the blankets again. When I opened my eyes next, there was another bottle of water and this time a pear. As I looked at the pear my stomach rolled dangerously, so I just sat on the edge of the bed to slowly drink the water this time. With the bottle empty, I rolled back to burrow under the covers once again shutting out the world.

I woke with a start from a dream crying. I hate that. I don’t think there’s anything worse than waking up alone from a dream in tears. Thankfully the details of it slipped away quickly. I laid there shaking, as the gloom was cut by the long fingers of the street lamp outside creeping in through the window along the walls of my room. The house was so quite; I knew Erik must be sleeping as well.

I sat up, and looked around the room in the dim. I noticed the two suitcases that I had packed last into the u-haul, had been put directly in front of the foot of the bed where I would see them. I didn’t remember hearing Erik moving around the room at all during any of his various visits to check on me either. I rose on wobbly legs, and got a little bit of a head rush from sleeping so much and being prone so long. Once I was sure I wouldn’t fall over, I rummaged around in one case for my toothbrush and clean clothes.

I went slowly down the hall to the bathroom, and quietly took a shower. When I flipped on the light switch, I felt momentarily like a mole squinting against the bright of the bathroom light. I found lavender scented body soap next to Erik’s manly bottle of Irish Spring™ and chuckled a little. I wondered which of his sisters he had asked to help him with that. I tried to wash away some of the pain, and ache that seemed to be imbedded into my bones along with the hot water and soap. I scrubbed, and then scrubbed again, just to feel something other than that ache. Finally the water started to cool, and I turned off the faucets and got out.

I tip-toed down the hall with my bundle of clothes under my arm; I was trying to be as quiet as possible so I could slip back to bed without disturbing Erik. I saw another bottle of water and a chocolate pudding cup and a spoon. Looked like Erik was up and had changed his tactics, I couldn’t help but smile to myself at how thoughtful he was being – not pushing – not crowding – just letting me do this in my own time. I guess maybe I hadn’t been as quiet as I thought I was, or Erik knew me better than I than I gave him credit for. Besides, it was chocolate pudding after all.

After I finished my pudding, I padded down the hallway to the living room. I could hear the t.v. on softly with Erik stretched out on the couch snoring loudly. I’m not sure if he wasn’t playing opossum that night, and he swears he was asleep even though I still have my doubts. I padded back to the hall closet and pulled out a blanket – a soft blue velour one – that had actually been a gift from me when he moved into his house. I covered him up before grabbing more water and slipping back off to my room.


I woke a few hours later to the smell of coffee and the sounds of “Tell Me Something Good” softly floating through the house from a radio. I rubbed at my eyes and stretched. I rolled on to my side and finally looked at my watch that lay on the nightstand. It was just after 11am on a Sunday, and I had been sleeping for the better parts of the last four days.

Then I realized as I lay there listening to the birdsong outside and the odd bit a traffic down his street, that I was hungry. I hadn’t been hungry in more than a week, I’d figured based on the date. So I pushed out of bed, and shuffled to the bathroom to make myself presentable, or as presentable as I could be. And even though I still hurt, and I still felt raw, I hurt a little less today.

I leaned against the door frame, and watched Erik shake his ass in time to the music as he poured a cup of coffee that smelled so good. That song bleed into “Benny and The Jets” and Erik kept groovin’ along, and I finally couldn’t resist.

“Are you sure you’re not a gay man?” I asked from the doorway.

He turned to look at me over his shoulder, and sniffed, “I knew the sounds of your tribe, and the smell of coffee would finally get you out of bed.”

I looked at him and said, “The sounds of my tribe?”

He nodded and handed me a coffee cup looking pleased with himself.

“You should be playing Melissa Etheridge or Ani DiFranco or even,” I shuddered, “The Indigo Girls. If we’re talking “my tribe”, but please don’t, really. I can go without for a while, okay?” I said as I sipped the hot brew.

“And here I thought I was doing so well…” Erik pouted. "Wait, isn't Ani Di-whatever the one that looks like she has a small child with an afro in a headlock under her arms?"

I just looked at Erik for a moment processing what he had just said, and then I could help myself when I started laughing. I laughed so hard I started to cry, but it was good tears. I waved my hand at Erik and said, “Keep it up, and the P.C. Police will be here shortly."

“It’s good to see your smile, hon,” He said sincerely.

I put my cup down, and walked over and gave him a big hug. “Good to be seen,” I murmured into his chest. “What’s for breakfast?”

Yes, it was just coffee, but I was out of bed, and it was good to be seen again.


Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
My stories:
"Dry Heat – In Progress (still)" "Penny Arcade - Completed"
My Fic Challenge entries:
"Fireworks" "Promise" "I Did What Last Night?"

Last edited by vampyregurl73 on Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:35 pm, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 3 02/13/12
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:53 am 
5. Willowhand
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Joined: Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:36 pm
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Nice update. Still pretty cryptic and didn't reveal much, but I enjoyed the raw emotions

"When Mother Nature starts howling and crying...I smile. I love thunder storms!"

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 3 02/13/12
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:17 pm 
2. Floating Rose

Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:12 pm
Posts: 26
Location: Colorado Springs Colorado
This so good I want more. I like Erik . You do a wonderful job making me feel like I am right there.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 3 02/13/12
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:34 am 
9. Gay Now
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Ugh, i am such a spoon.

I keep forgetting that Heather =/= Dry Heat and she does other stuff.
I wear the cow of contrition. :moo

I are subscribed now sweetie, that way i can't miss out on your good stuff. :banana

It's Tara :bow

I say this partly out of instinct and partly out of analysing the hell out of Tara over the last few days.
Tara is usually so distinctive because she's so non-bizarre, unlike the rest of the scoobies, especially Willow.

Tara is Vanilla, which is a real flavour and is my favourite as it happens.
Willow is Tutti-Frutti.
Buffy is hokey-pokey,
Xander is chocolate.
Dawn is lime.
Anya is lemon.
Faith is Maple-Walnut.
Giles is cookie dough.

That was random. uh, it's late here.

I hope this new project is refreshing for you, and that you are enjoying it.
I like it, it's a new style for you, and very well written.

Keep up the good work!


P.S: Coven, Sunnydale, hint hint :bounce

“All I feel is sunlight. All I hear is music.” Willow
How i Met Your Mother - By Ariel

My Story: Coming Home

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 3 02/13/12
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:02 am 
20. Not one Much for the Timber
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This made me lol...
Tara is Vanilla, which is a real flavour and is my favourite as it happens.
Willow is Tutti-Frutti.
Buffy is hokey-pokey,
Xander is chocolate.
Dawn is lime.
Anya is lemon.
Faith is Maple-Walnut.
Giles is cookie dough.
So true. I wonder what other things we could use to describe them? :hmm

How about...

Tara: Volkswagon Beetle
Willow: Mini Cooper S
Buffy: Mustang
Xander: A Vintage Thunderbird
Dawn: A Mini SUV
Anya: Mercedes
Faith: Ferrari
Giles: Aston Martin

Anyway, lovely chapter. I'm getting into it and cant wait to see how they end up meeting, so please post an update soonish!!

Shelby - Racing The Rain (IN PROGRESS) / Baby Makes Three (IN PROGRESS) / The Santa Line / Everything She Does...Is Beautiful / Calfornia Grass

"Transform your pain. Release your past. And ... uh ... get over it."
~Willow, Where The Wild Things Are

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 3 02/13/12
PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:39 am 
8. Vixen
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Lol, I love the lists - so here's one for you both.


Tara - Purple - for royalty
Willow - A rainbow - because it is, but isn't
Buffy - Fire engine Red - speaks for itself
Xander - Royal Blue - for his loyalty
Faith - Hot Pink - just cuz
Anya - Green - the color of money
Dawn - Lavender - sweet and changing
Giles - Copper - strong but tarnished

Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
My stories:
"Dry Heat – In Progress (still)" "Penny Arcade - Completed"
My Fic Challenge entries:
"Fireworks" "Promise" "I Did What Last Night?"

Last edited by vampyregurl73 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 3 02/13/12
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:15 am 
6. Sassy Eggs
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Reading and hoping you are actually going to reveal your main character soon. It's kinda driving me nuts. Please, please break it down for us next chapter.

Tara: " I got so lost."
Willow: "I found you. I will always find you."

Remodeling: The Reconstruction of Tara Maclay / W/T Potpourri

 Post subject: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:48 pm 
8. Vixen
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fhiwda, Suzyque4215, Azirahael, Finey_McFine, True_Love,

I'm glad you're all enjoying the story. I'm still not quite telling who I'm writing as but I do believe I dropped a few more hints this chapter as to which of our girls it is.

Richard & Shelby I loved the lists it amused me to no end and when I gave Faith Hot Pink I was more thinking in the form of hot pants. I realize she's the "Dark Slayer" and all about the leather but somehow I can just see this too...

Thank you all for reading!


Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
My stories:
"Dry Heat – In Progress (still)" "Penny Arcade - Completed"
My Fic Challenge entries:
"Fireworks" "Promise" "I Did What Last Night?"

 Post subject: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:58 pm 
8. Vixen
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Chapter Four

Pairing: W/T – I’ll get there eventually.

Rating: PG – watch chapters for changes.

Disclaimer: I in no way, shape or form own the characters from BtVS. I’m not making any kind of profit; this is simply for my own amusement – and hopefully the people reading it. This is completely AU, and there may be some dialogue stealing on my part here and there. There’s no hellmouth, no oogly-booglys, and the only magic is the magic of luuurve.


Feedback: Of course I want it – is it a requirement, no but it is most definitely appreciated.

Author’s Note: Hmm, beer, pizza and the ear of a good friend do the soul good, just like chicken soup. A broken heart too.

You Want Me To Do What?

Over the next couple of weeks I didn’t do much of anything other than get my ass acquainted with Erik’s couch. I didn’t cry, I didn’t cut heads out of pictures or burn things. Erik helped me sort through everything I had in the U-Haul; pack up the reminders of all the things that hurt too much and put all into a storage unit.

After that I became a lump. I slouched around the house in sweatpants, bunny slippers, and my lovely snarky t-shirts that so fit my mood, while I ate ice cream and Oreos most of my days. I didn’t go anywhere, I didn’t do anything, and I didn’t take any phone calls from anyone.

Only a few close friends even knew I was back in town and staying with Erik, much less why. So, I was pleasantly – in my opinion – making a cushion on Erik’s couch all my own. I watched far too much Oprah and Judge Judy. I hate Doctor Phil… smug bastard.

As I was enjoying my new found “lump-hood”, unbeknownst to me, Erik had taken it upon himself to sic my good friend Brenda on me. Let me tell you a little bit about Brenda. When I was first coming out, there was a bar called “The Penthouse” (we regulars loving referred to it as the “PH”), that from 1am-3am was all ages and you could go dance. It was your typical gay bar. Drag shows were done regularly, and one queen named Stephanie took me under her wing.

Well, I was not quite of age to drink, but after getting to know the guys at the door – via following in Stephanie’s swishing gait – they would let me in early so I could get my drink and dance on. One night after a few drinks, I decided I wanted to play pool, but there was only one pool table in the bar. I laid my quarters down cockily, and the next thing I know I’m faced with this linebacker of a woman – Brenda. She politely – that’s code for intimidating by the way – informed me I would have to play the winner for the table – her.

Now, let me just tell you I played pool maybe four times a year then, so Minnesota Fat’s I was not – hell, I’m was not even qualified to carry his pool cue. Filled to the gills with artificial courage, I grinned up at her, ready to take her on. The “Pool Gods” smiled down on me. Brenda let me break out of the kindness of her own inebriated heart, and undoubtedly the security of her own prowess, and by miracle of miracles I sank the eight ball off the break.

It has NEVER happened again. I’m also pretty sure it saved me from getting my ass handed to me by a very big, inebriated butch woman, and made me a friend in the process.

Ok, so now that we’ve made that little trip down memory lane, let me get back to Brenda showing up on Erik’s doorstep. With a twelve pack of beer, a “Big Red” (Canadian ham & tomatoes) pizza from Fargo’s, along with a very disapproving glare – directed at me. We sat on the couch, with Judge Judy on mute while we talked for a long time. Drinking beer and eating pizza, we skirted the very large pink elephant in the room.

Just what exactly was I going to do now?

Let me tell you a little more about Brenda, her father had owned a gallery in Manitou Springs where he made gorgeous – well pretty much anything. He did sculptures, and his medium was bronze. Some graced parks, some graced libraries and buildings downtown, homes – inside and out – for fun he even did what could be considered lawn ornaments with the scraps.

From a young age Brenda played in her Daddy’s workshop. She learned to cut, polish, prepare and even weld the metals. He was also quite prolific, and when he passed away Brenda had been left the gallery. Brenda herself never seemed to have a desire to create like her father, so she created a workspace to artists like him and did their grunt work – that she enjoyed. The physicality of it, the way the metal looked when it was polished like glass, etched, and so many other things – in her own way she does create art.

During the course of our beer and pizza bonding session, Brenda offered me job. A job working for her, as an assistant, I looked her like she was nuts. I’d cut and polish metal for the workshop, and do other odds and ends. I had no idea how to use a saw, much less a blowtorch and wasn’t exactly a weight lifter. Then I thought about it for a moment.

In Vegas I had dealt blackjack because it was more lucrative than a desk job and far less sleazy than the “gentleman’s” clubs. So why not make one more change? Why not turn my mind off, turn my pain off and just do? I’m a smart girl, and I can learn whatever I put my mind to. Let’s see if my body will do the same.

I looked at Brenda hard through slightly buzzed eyes. “I think you’ve had too much to drink, hon,” I said.

“Naw, I’m serious as a heart attack. I lost an assistant in the shop, so it’s not like I’m just handing you a job out of the kindness of my heart. Besides, you need to get your ass off this couch. You also need a job. You’ll feel better once you’re out of the house, and then you can really start to move on,” Brenda said sagely.

“But I like it here, Erik like’s me here. Besides, I pull my weight around here,” I pouted.

“So you like playing the "little missus"? When’s the wedding? Ordering out for food Erik can do on his own, hon. He’s a big boy. It’s not that he doesn’t love you and love having you here either. I just… it’s just…you need to feel strong again, stand on your own two feet. And it just so happens I can help you with that,” she said with a shrug.

I narrowed my eyes at her. “He put you up to this didn’t he?” I asked.

“I will neither confirm nor deny…” she began.

“Yeah, yeah,yeah,” I said as I got up and went into the kitchen.

I grabbed two more beers and another slice of pizza for myself. I stuffed the slice in my mouth as I carried in our beers, and handed one to Brenda. I began to pace as I chewed, turning over the offer in my head. I glanced at her every so often as I paced, and tried to look at the offer from multiple angles.

Ultimately, I knew she was right. I couldn’t stay with Erik forever, and I did need a job if I was ever going to get out of Erik’s guest room. I shoved the last of my slice in my mouth, and plopped down on the couch next to her.

“When do I start?”


Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
My stories:
"Dry Heat – In Progress (still)" "Penny Arcade - Completed"
My Fic Challenge entries:
"Fireworks" "Promise" "I Did What Last Night?"

Last edited by vampyregurl73 on Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:11 pm 
20. Not one Much for the Timber
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So, I'm still stumped. I think everyone wants to lean towards Tara, but I bet it's Willow. Oh hell, I'm just gonna give up on the speculation and say that I like what your doing no matter who it turns out to be. For all we know, it could be Buffy!

Shelby - Racing The Rain (IN PROGRESS) / Baby Makes Three (IN PROGRESS) / The Santa Line / Everything She Does...Is Beautiful / Calfornia Grass

"Transform your pain. Release your past. And ... uh ... get over it."
~Willow, Where The Wild Things Are

Last edited by Finey_McFine on Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:21 pm 
7. Teeny Tinkerbell Light
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Okay, I thought I had this all figured out. However, every new chapter, I change my mind :hmm !

Complete lack of babble points to Tara. But, the choc-o-holic reference makes me suspect it's the Willster. The ham on the pizza puts me back on team Tara. Until I remember there was no stuttering either. So, who the heck knows :impatient ?, you have changed some things to keep us on our toes!

I love the new story and look forward to the next set of clues.

Ps. I picture Brenda looking like 'Beast' from Glee (Dot Jones).

The kitten formerly known as SMGOVAN ~Official Head of Security for the Finey_McFine fan club. Ass whippings will be handed out liberally!

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:14 pm 
5. Willowhand
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I definitely agree with Grimm about Dot Jones as Brenda. That was pretty much my mental image the whole time.

Dunno if it's just because I'm so dead set for it, but the POV does have a Tara-ish flavor to it. Although, by this point you could tell me this is the tale of an humanized Miss Kitty Fantastico and how she meets and gets W/T together and I'd totally believe it.

"If I can't be a good example, might as well be a horrible warning."

"Friendship is obviously magic. Love is a sorta super strong friendship. We gay people love so hard we broke 'Social Norm'. Ergo, we gay people are ultra-strong wizards."

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:19 pm 
3. Flaming O
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Well, you've certainly kept me interested! I find myself starting at the very beginning everytime there's an update. :bow

Since the beginning, I've had a sneaking suspicion that the unnamed is Willow, but because I believe that, I may be setting myself up to be wrong. Lol. :grin

Keep up the great work. Hope to see an update soon! :clap

“Even if I did get past all my problems, I'm just gonna get out and get new ones.”
Ally McBeal

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:49 pm 
10. Troll Hammer

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Interesting start so far. You've got me hooked.

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:25 pm 
6. Sassy Eggs

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My initial guess is that it's Tara. I base this solely on the assumption that the picture is of their first meeting and I don't see this person wearing Willow's outfit after getting out of a bad relationship. Then again, according to Sassette "Assuming makes an ass out of you and Xander" and since Xander isn't even in this story (further proof it's Tara?) who knows. Can't wait to find out.

Actually, I think you haven't even decided yet and are using these chapters so that the audience can help you decide. :p

"Not everyone wants to graduate high school at age 16 and college at age 19 and have our first IPO by age 20. Some of us want to waste precious minutes, hours, days, and weeks rotting in front of the TV." - Survivor Ash Island By JustSkipIt

Buffy: Hi. Willow right?
Willow: Why? I mean hi. Did you want me to move?
First sign of adorable Willow "Welcome to the Hellmouth"

 Post subject: Re: New Fic/AU Penny Arcade Chapter 4 02/19/12
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:41 pm 
8. Vixen
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I'll never tell... lol! :-p

Or maybe I will once I finally tell everyone who it some point in the future.... :grin

Heather aka vampyregurl73 aka Riverwillows73
My stories:
"Dry Heat – In Progress (still)" "Penny Arcade - Completed"
My Fic Challenge entries:
"Fireworks" "Promise" "I Did What Last Night?"

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