Dropping those hints, while walking a little mince.
It’s always in the last place you look.
The Beast didn’t see his curse broken to only then go on to find true love. Belle’s right there.
Snow White didn’t wake up and decide to join tinder. She just experienced true loves kiss. A greasy finger swipe match doesn’t cut the mustard.
The Evil Step Mother Queen Lady Person didn’t give Snow White the apple then divorce her husband and marry another King with heirs. She wants the power not the graft.
The Prince didn’t find the shoe fit Cinderella then still continue slipping glass slippers on ladies feet. Because shoes only fit one person in his kingdom.
The pea wasn’t found then the princess kept searching for fish. Girl wanted some ZZZ's
Arthur didn’t pull the sword from the stone then put it back because there was an axe in an anvil. Swords can function as axes.
Funnily enough when people find what they’ve been looking for the need to continue looking isn’t required.
But how is it when you’ve found the Wazzock who says this annoyance they're never the last one to say it?
Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“Which item could Willow drop that would cause Tara intrigue?”
Witch Pez Dispenser – Tasty little witch.
A Doodle – Maybe Tara do a doodle too.
Banana – Who’s this rebel?
A Beat – What voice causes her hands to jazz so?
Her Outfit – A shared sense of fashion and nudity.
Insecurities – Why’s it so attractive? Like a mirrored reflection.
A Water – She asked for one of those but never got one.
Computer Code – Finally someone else who talks a language no one understands too.
A Hatchet – This girl could chip away at her.
Apple Sauce – How could something turn rotten when packaged so sweet?
Gay Card – It’s a good thing these are unlimited and can be claimed at any time for free.
Other – Is it making you think? Think it would make Tara think too? Then there you go.
A doodle. The power of a scruffy little doodle to break the ice and continue conversation is the caveman equivalent of sharing memes on your phone.
One Shots -
Basement Grotto -
Door 25 -
"You're My Always" -
"Do You Like Cats?"You don't have to write to contribute to the board, feedback can be its own event - Dubs Festive Advent Challenge -
Fic Club -
Pens Write A Holiday StoryExisting at some point, maybe - The Justice for Tara series.
*Rides in on a tricycle* Wanna play a game? -
Five Minutes of Artistic Integrity -
Those Three Little Words -
Sassy Synonyms -
Aradia's Antonyms