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Post Wrecked, would Willow look after Rat Amy?
Poll ended at Fri Aug 09, 2024 11:55 am
Yes 100%  100%  [ 1 ]
No 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 1
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 Post subject: Rapscallion Rat
PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:55 am 
12. Recently Gay

Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 am
Posts: 1505
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The bliss before stepping onto a mouse trap. Board game or actual trap, both hurt.

Last week looked at death within Disney and for fairness and equal evaluation I’d often ask the same question for Willow as I do Tara however Canon makes that question very cut and dry. Can’t get under the skin of a question when Willow’s already flayed it.

What comes with death in Disney is compassion. Compassion through cementing love in Beauty and the Beast. Finding family that loves and supports you despite biology in films such as The Lion King, Cinderella and Lady and the Tramp.

What I don’t get is why a rat is trying to kill a baby in Lady and the Tramp? Is it a case of Disney displaying its Dumbo crow family traditional values side of themselves or is there an actual reason for the story other than to champion Tramp?

After some reading of Wikis it seems the rat is just there. Apart from Lady barking the rat out of the garden there is no real reason why the rat would want to kill a baby. Other than proximity to the baby there’s nothing to say the rat was there for the baby. It’s like they created the rat just to make Tramp look bad then make Tramp look good when people realise he didn’t cause the problem.

Where can I think of an example of a rat showing up and then a character ends up looking really bad. Then when they make the rat go away, it makes them look better?


Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“Post Wrecked, would Willow look after Rat Amy?”

Yes – Willow somehow let her ‘pet’ turn into a raging magical junkie pusher, maybe this time she’ll get it right and they’ll both find some redemption.
No – Ungrateful pet and bad friend. Amy reconnected with her Dad, he can clean her cage.

Instant reaction I think, no. However after some time I think she'd look after Rat Amy again. Maybe a part of Willow wants to prove she can fix it without using dark magic or the fact Amy was her friend for a long time even if they weren't too close.
However it has to happen before The Killer in Me. after that its a straight up no, far too much resentment there, Rat Amy wouldn't stay. And it seems Willow learns to let go at that point. Pffft.

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