Got it! Its the look of a dog walker who is pretending not to see all the dead bodies dog walkers always find.Do you think Belle plays fetch with the Beast? Castle has a lot of space, dude clearly has pent up energy that he could use for exercise instead of rage. Get the endorphins going, maybe for one night he’s less of a spoilsport at dinner.
I don’t know. Maybe the castle, the full dinner service is too opulent. Very stressful and impersonal. I guess it’s the company and mood that make it romantic but what intimacy is there when you’re dining at a table comparable to a certain world leader’s.
What if they stripped it back, smaller table, less opulent surroundings? Waiters who don’t hang around like a boogie on a kid’s finger. Outdoors but not too public. Probably has to be animal friendly due to the Beast shedding midcourse.
This could work.
Lady and the Tramp one of the less questionable romances of Disney. Class crossed lovers, exploring each other’s world and not abducting each other. Yet a string of spaghetti steals the show as it leads to the imitation kiss of thousands of people’s dreams. Who doesn’t like sucking food out of other people’s mouth? I mean even when they kiss there’s still food in their mouth. And sucking on the spaghetti means the sauce will bunch up on the lips. It’s in a dirty alleyway with overflowing bins. Not a single Michelin star and yet, romance.
Perhaps it’s because in one meal it displays the insecurities, kindness and similarities they both possess despite coming from different worlds.
No yelling or wait staff and overbearing curse.
Much like how exhausted shoppers aid other IKEA shoppers when trying to find the exit support each other, Tramp nudges a meatball to Lady. Sharing, giving, being a feeder.
But that’s Lady and the Tramp, Beast might just snatch it from Belle for create a deal where she can have it but she can’t have spaghetti or the sauce. Then she falls in love with his boldness and meaty balls.
I guess its dependant on the couple having the meal as to how romantic it could be.
Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“Who gets the meatball?”
Willow – Willow feels no need to test if Tara has a liking of meatballs.
Tara – Willow has a thing for people eating off her nose.
Share – They have hands and hopefully utensils, they could cut it in half.
Share. A meatball doesn't seem important enough to insist on either way for either of them.
One Shots -
Basement Grotto -
Door 25 -
"You're My Always" -
"Do You Like Cats?"You don't have to write to contribute to the board, feedback can be its own event - Dubs Festive Advent Challenge -
Fic Club -
Pens Write A Holiday StoryExisting at some point, maybe - The Justice for Tara series.
*Rides in on a tricycle* Wanna play a game? -
Five Minutes of Artistic Integrity -
Those Three Little Words -
Sassy Synonyms -
Aradia's Antonyms