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Does Tara want a normal life?
Poll ended at Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:58 pm
Yes 50%  50%  [ 1 ]
No 50%  50%  [ 1 ]
What's Normal Anyway? 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 2
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 Post subject: Normal Norman
PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:58 pm 
12. Recently Gay

Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 am
Posts: 1505
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Whistling and acting casually will make this walk normal.

These are some of the stages deemed to make up a normal life.

conception, development of fetus, birth, toddlerhood, preschool, elementary school , college or tech school, marriage, have family and death. – Quora

That’s a bit clinical how about the steps in-between.

marriage, divorce, death of a loved one, birth of a child, migration, a new job, promotion, job loss, unemployment, illness onset, disability, and retirement. – Springer

How about small more fuzzy things.

Being born, first words, first day at school, first friend, first kiss, driver’s license, voting, falling in love, high school graduation, first job, death of a loved one, college graduation, marriage, first home, having children, job changes, health scares, retirement, end of life. - Remento

Got a bit heavy nearing the end there.

These are goings on that is assumed to happen for the majority but what is normal?


Adjective - conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
Noun - the usual, typical, or expected state or condition.

Two words overlap, typical and expected.

Looking at
Showing the characteristics expected of or popularly associated with a particular person or thing.
Expected shows up again.

Considered likely or probable to happen or arrive.

This definition does not include, typical or normal. Which means normal is not an objective term leading into subjectivity. We could go through mathematical charts and talk probability but I get enough of that when the swap is offered on Deal or No Deal. No its 50/50 only two boxes in play with two options, the held box is not 1 in 22 because there are not 22 boxes in the game anymore, when selected yes, when in the swap position no. I get the maths but not the time freeze.

Where was I? Yes normal being the expectation. But the expectation of who? Does our own expectation of what goes on around us define our normal or is it onlookers’ defining if we are normal due to what we do?

Is normal defined by the majority and alignment of expectations just like the three lists above, all different but are along the same lines?

People think normal is boring, when looking into it there’s an unknown element to normal because what’s normal to one isn’t normal to others. But yet both could be accepted. So if there’s an infinity of normal what room is there for extraordinary? 1 in 22? 50/50?

What about the male characters who aren’t reliant on Belle to achieve their goals, non-chicken egg layer, hostage swap, full body Brazilian. Are they normal for not hassling belle or are they extraordinary for it?

What would Belle prefer? But we aren’t talking about Belle, this is the KB and last week we looked at Willow.

Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“Does Tara want a normal life?”

Yes – Pancake breakfasts and a head full of memories.
No – To see a world unenchanted.
What’s Normal Anyway? – Potato Potato.

No - I'm going off my perspective of normal and that doesn't involve magic, at least not that kind of magic. I dont think Tara would give up magic.

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