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Which object could represent Willow and Tara’s relationship doom?
Poll ended at Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:34 pm
A Bee Thrown at a Puppy 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Triangles 100%  100%  [ 1 ]
Trick Candle 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Enchanted Mirror 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Buffy’s Sex Life 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Shrimp 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Party Decorations 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Spice Rack 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
The Moon 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
A Broom 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
A Mime 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Other (Please Say In Comments). 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 1
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 Post subject: Relationship Reckoning
PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 1:34 pm 
12. Recently Gay

Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 am
Posts: 1505
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A connection through dance, and hand holding.


A book, an animation, a live action remake. All are Beauty and the Beast yet each an individual.

Relationship - The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.

Granted this term is also used to indicate a romantic coupling however if relationship is defined by connection then why is two defined as one called a relationship instead of a single entity? Unless it’s a third.

Two (or more) individuals joining to create a third thing seen as a ‘relationship’ which the world sees.

It’s said the world’s a stage. Life’s one big performance and some could see this as being deceitful, hiding from yourself. Others could say there’s honesty in any performance, that believability can only come from honesty in the portrayal. But life isn’t without everyone having façade.

Depending on the angle you show depends on the front people see. How much do you change depending on your company? A conversation with your boss wouldn’t take place the same way as you would with a friend. Opinions withheld with one and a freer approach to the subject with the other. But then even with friendships what you discuss and how you act may differ between. Loose lipped Gabby you might not tell your troubles to but tight lipped Virginia seals her vault up tight.

Looking at a romantic connection the façade shown is likely to be deeper. Not a front you show to the majority of other connections. Showing the jagged edges and matching with their jagged edges and together making one large monolith.

That monolith is what people see instead of two, it’s one.

It’s not two smooth sides sliding together, it’s a corrugation. Stronger together. A monolith built to last. But if a front is still being shown even if all bumpy and lumpy, doesn’t that mean there are sides and shadowed areas that the other person doesn’t see? If that’s the case are things quite as strong as third parties perceive the monolith?

Which brings is to this week’s poll -
“Which object could represent Willow and Tara’s relationship doom?”

A Bee Thrown at a Puppy – Which is weird and we shouldn’t think about it
Triangles – The strongest shape yet every triangle equates to 180 degrees which is a straight line. Beeeeeeeep.
Trick Candle – The extra flamey will never blow out but it also scares them.
Enchanted Mirror – Maybe their wants don’t align
Buffy’s Sex Life – What happens when the interest goes?
Shrimp – How many dangers are kept quiet before it’s too late?
Party Decorations – Biodegradable but if so it can’t paper over the cracks for long.
Spice Rack – The body could violently reject spicy talk as time goes on.
The Moon – Willow chose the stars over the moon but the moon will come again.
A Broom – Sweeping dust or fantasia while Mickey sleeps.
A Mime – No one deserves a mime.
Other – Metaphorical or literal and it’s all there in a bell jar.

Triangles – Triangles are rather menacing. They're categorised into types. In those types they can fit together to create other shapes but when combining the different types of triangle and you rarely get symmetrical shape without using a lot of triangles. Each one the same inside but just distributed different. They’re the strongest shape but their slight differences are instrumental in the outcome.
You've got the recycling arrows, the combustion triangle and pyramid schemes, there's a lot of knock on effects in a triangle.
While the rose in Beauty and the Beast is a symbolisation of love I think a triangle is a good symbolisation of putting the work in despite individual and combined strength. Both at points try to avoid that work. How much avoidance until they’re lost from one another.

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