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Would Willow let Miss Kitty near the books?
Poll ended at Fri May 03, 2024 2:12 pm
Yes 50%  50%  [ 1 ]
No 50%  50%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 2
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 Post subject: Binding Boundaries
PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:12 pm 
12. Recently Gay

Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 am
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#Bookcase designs

There are rules decreed to us by way of Willow and Giles. Commandments to live by when it comes to the precious.

I shall recite the sacred teachings -

And, uh, don’t write in it.
Or, or, uh, put a coffee mug down on it,
Or anything.
And, and, just don’t spill.
Oh, oh, and don’t fold the page corners down.

And the most important teaching,

Don’t speak Latin in front of the books!


There are many things concerning about Belle’s actions here however it does not appear to break the commandments set by wise book appreciators.

But then again things shouldn’t need to be said when loaning a book, such as don’t get hair dye on it or please return it even after going AWOL but I contact you with the return address because I want it back. It’s been 12 years and that’s a limited edition copy! Forget a rose thrown on my grave, I want all the books I’ve loaned over the years to be returned and in pristine condition.

Belle is reading near water meaning there could be a spill but somehow I think reading to sheep close up should be added to the commandments. Forget the farm animal dirt and think here of the danger. People read to go to sleep. People count sheep to get to sleep. Combining the two seems like an Ambien accident waiting to happen after a game of wills. Does the sheep win or does Belle win?

There’s a responsibility with books, their care and content. Same with animals. You want neither to have hair dye in (May also apply to Tara). The less concise commandment giver has a pet.

Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“Would Willow let Miss Kitty near the books?”

Yes – Her collection isn’t dog-eared making them cat friendly.
No – Miss Kitty is smart enough, Willow’s insecurities won’t allow a smarter being.

No because I want it to be no but do cats listen? *shrug*

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