NeighWe’ve looked at Beauty and the Beast’s great interest in anthropomorphism however in all the drama and pageantry of Disney there is one faux animal that is the butt of all jokes. Well, half is the butt. The pantomime horse.
The Mullet of the costume world. One stands while the other bends over in the rear. Whether its business in the front and party in the back is questionable. While the running gag is that the backend takes in the faecal fumes of the front it’s important to note that the whole costume reeks. Stage lights, heavy costume, often very physical role and the costume not taking regular trips to the launderette, that thing is laden in stale sweat stench. No one is a winner.
One positive I suppose is team building. It takes trust, the front is the eyes and back has to instinctively feel the front’s movements for them to work as one whole. There’s give and take, push and pull. An unspoken line of communication. Lots of work going in for one outside appearance to the rest of the world. It’s metaphorically rather like a relationship.
Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“How do Willow and Tara position themselves a pantomime horse costume?”
Willow in the front, Tara in the back – Brains up front, being able to take a lot of shit in back.
Tara in the front, Willow in the back – Getting to experience the world with gentle pushes from behind.
Willow in front, Tara in the back. A babbling pantomime horse sounds amusing.
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