If we move fast enough, no one will see our flaws.AI hasn’t gained the ability to tell me to do one yet so I took advantage this week by asking it about the other half of Beauty and the Beast, the Beast.
I asked it for the Beast’s story line however it gave me a bunch of bullet points that may or may not be in chronological order of the film. Using this and last week’s Belle information this is my understanding of the Beasts story line.
A total Chad of the prince world revels in his pretty, wealth and (its 20th century Disney so likely white) privilege. Then a lady without a Brazilian butt lift, duck lips and expressionless face showed up at his castle looking for shelter. But Chad prince gagged at the thought of allowing such an unconventional looking person taking shelter in his lad pad. Though again with it being Disney, Odds are she had a visible disability to show her unattractiveness and the castle had no disabled access and Chad prince didn’t want the bad PR of his castle not having all the mod cons when Cribz finally do an episode on him.
Turns out the beggar lady was actually an enchantress and decided she didn’t eat there so she’s going to shit there. Not only did she turn the Prince into a hairy beast, she also turned the staff into furniture. At this point it’s questionable who the bigger dick is.
In a time of manscaping the Beast grew bitter and resentful, much like his servant who turned into a razor. His castle doesn’t even have Wifi so he can’t vent his rage in CoD waiting rooms. Instead he has a rose for a sand timer. Before the last petal falls he needs to learn to love. But to find a bae as a beast? He’s going to need some fairy tale story to go down.
Cue Belle’s father. The human trade, old man for the only hot barely legal woman in the village. Some misunderstandings, dancing and deep and meaningfuls. The Beast learns to let Belle go as an act of love and absolutely in no way just a basic human decency. Even cats gets flaps. But no Disney digresses, its love, selfless true love to use a door (Tara!).
Naturally for jeopardy the last petal falls but it’s cool because teary eyed Belle finds Chad prince in the Beasts place and she’s into it. They live happily ever after until someone finds a Beauty and the Beast 2 VHS in their grandparent’s house.
AI then gives some points about what the Beasts journey represents –
• Overcoming arrogance and learning kindness.
• The transformative power of love and companionship.
• Recognizing the importance of inner beauty over outward appearances.
• Breaking free from isolation and embracing connection.
Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“Who resonates the most with the Beasts Journey?”
Series 4 Tara – Trapped within herself for fear of the Demon inside.
Series 4 Willow – Isolated from friends but finds solace in love again, opening herself up to friendship.
Series 5 Tara – Learning the truth of her demon, she grows into herself.
Series 5 Willow – Teleportation spells, protection alarm circles and a bag of knives, all things to keep trespassers away.
Series 6 Tara – Suffers the consequence of an enchantress.
Series 6 Willow – Interest in botany.
Has to be series 4 for me. I think there’s a good cause for Tara but I don’t have hard evidence to say she was self-isolated. She went to Wicca group so she was looking for friends, she did go out of her way to try and find Willow to try and fix the silence. Suggests she was outgoing in some ways, trying to find connection.
Whereas Willow understandably heartbroken was so caught up in herself she did aid in her isolation and is prickly. I think the bitterness and resentment sits better with Willow in this case than Tara. But I think it’s just because of how much of Tara that has to be headcanoned as opposed to how much we see of Willow.
Plus I probably planted the seed last week for Willow and the roots have now dug in. I go Series 4 Willow.
AI says the Beast is a story of redemption and Willow has none of that, ever. Series 6 is the worst of her behaviour and Series-doesn't-exist is 100% not redemption. If redemption wasn't brought up it would Series 6 Willow hands down, arrogance needs a stronger word to describe all that.