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Who would make a more convincing human statue?
Poll ended at Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:55 pm
Willow 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Tara 100%  100%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 1
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 Post subject: Stiff Situations.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 3:55 pm 
12. Recently Gay

Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 am
Posts: 1505
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She’s an ornate candlestick. No further look into the stiff comment.

Everyone was asked two questions with our careers advisor,

Are you a people person? No.

Are you an animal person? No.

I didn’t answer for me, another person in the group got in before I could. I gave them the job option of my personal assistant because they were bang on and efficient about it.

I was asked a third question,

What do you want to be?

No one answered that for me. I knew at the time but they didn’t ask me if I was a corpse person.
They never offer out careers advisor as an option so there was no point showing I was more capable at doing their job than they were.

They gave me no career options.

One person purred like a cat throughout and they were given options. I suppose it’s because they purred to being an animal person.

I was standoffish, there was a lack of seating.
I was told eye contact is always good in these meetings, staring the woman down didn’t go well, she was taller than me.
I walked out, so did everyone else as our allotted time had finished.

There was such a build up to what was essentially a binary questionnaire that gave a list of standard jobs by an ex cruise ship singer. Then you realise there are jobs out there that people wouldn’t even consider a job but you are fully qualified for by way of social conditioning.

Kids are constantly told to sit/stand still. Yet none of them are told in their careers meeting that they could be a human statue.
Every day they could paint themselves up and hang on the high street all day.
People have spent their entire teen years loitering on the high street, caped in makeup.

This brings us to this week’s poll –
“Who would make a more convincing human statue?”

Willow – Goes unnoticed by her parents, can she blend in in public?
Tara – A smile described like Mona Lisa but can she pose for as long?

Tara based on one thing. I always say (it doesn’t pop up often, if at all, this might be the first time saying this) you can tell if it’s a real statue or a human one by sniffing their fingers. I feel Willow would confront this action and break the statue stance. Tara would likely scream help with her eyes not knowing how to take on such a weirdo.

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