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Which Willow and Tara Collaboration Candle Collection Candle would you most likely purchase?
Poll ended at Fri Jan 12, 2024 3:17 pm
Offended Ambience 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Dutiful Sorry 50%  50%  [ 1 ]
Mindfulness Moo 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Lethe’s Fancy 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Wing Gentry 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Flora Promise 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Mastication Rebellion 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Naughty Understudy 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
College Tumbles 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Caffeinated Beloved 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Stomach Calling 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Train-Wreak Populous 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Stairway Stall 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Other (Please Say In Comments) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
All The Above 50%  50%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 2
Author Message
 Post subject: Cash-grab Collaboration
PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:17 pm 
12. Recently Gay

Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 am
Posts: 1505
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New Year new dance? Oh no no no no. The face of Willow is a candle!

First money, then money now we’re on money money money. Let’s Alien VS Predator this shizz. But successfully and mostly profitable.

Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy Daisy. chanting in a flower meadow. Flowing white summer dresses. Clear blue sky. Flowers in their hair, arms out wide, skips petite. Chants without feeling. It’s not the 2019 horror, Midsommar. It’s a perfume advert. And if being a witness to a group gathering around a girl called Daisy and sniffing her wrist then Daisy ironically announcing she’s wearing Daisy by Marc Jacobs, is anything to go by. It works!

We see the right side of Willows head, straight on. Shadow all around. No body, no background. The camera moves in on the piercing green eye. We zoom into darkness, the pupil of the eye. We zoom out of the pupil again but the iris is blue. Camera moves out and its Tara’s left side of her face. The head moves to the center of the screen revealing a half half face of Tara and Willow. The head turns and two candles combine. One of the Willow Candle Collection. The other from the Tara Candle Collection. They merge half half like the faces. White writing underneath appears. The Willow and Tara Collection Candle Collaboration Collection.
The only sound during the advert is Willow and Tara chanting their names in monotone.

With that striking imagery this brings us to this week’s poll –
“Which Willow and Tara Collaboration Candle Collection Candle would you most likely purchase?”

Offended Ambience – Metal and burning battery smell. It’s not a stroke, it’s a candle
Dutiful Sorry – Transports you to be in a ditch with voided bowels. Till death do you and the candle part.
Mindfulness Moo – You wanted a certain scent but each parent decides what’s best for you.
Lethe’s Fancy – Jonathan who?
Wing Gentry – Tea, cheese and deprecation. Save the calories, light a candle.
Flora Promise – Chocolate with hellebore. For when chilli chocolate scented candles don’t offer enough danger in your life.
Mastication Rebellion – Banana and Apple sauce scent for when you want to reminisce about the smells of preschool packed lunches.
Naughty Understudy – Strawberry and cherry notes cut through the grease of 4am deliveroo, finishing with the ‘will this make me feel human’ shower. Perfect for when you want a night out but can only afford a candle.
College Tumbles – Booze, cat pee and singed carpet. For the motivational reminder of what that student loan debt went towards.
Caffeinated Beloved – All the love of coffee with the noticeable effect of Big Coffee’s snakey business practices.
Stomach Calling – For when you want a breakfast of pancakes but can’t be bothered to get up as the door is your obstacle. The wise choice is to light a candle in bed.
Train-Wreak Populous – Popcorn, no need to add another scent when we’re all heading to the same destination when finding out how much each candle costs.
Stairway Stall – Exclusive for the range. The scientifically proven smell to stop people moving on the stairs. Lynx Africa with the burning of the wick whispering the word ‘Bundle’
Other – Pick a combination, maybe one that makes sense for the couple. Customs cost extra.
All The Above – I like collecting things especially when the advert has their face on.

Dutiful Sorry – What’s better to cover up the smell of death when you don’t have an alibi? More death.

One Shots - Basement Grotto - Door 25 - "You're My Always" - "Do You Like Cats?"
You don't have to write to contribute to the board, feedback can be its own event - Dubs Festive Advent Challenge - Fic Club - Pens Write A Holiday Story
Existing at some point, maybe - The Justice for Tara series.
*Rides in on a tricycle* Wanna play a game? - Five Minutes of Artistic Integrity - Those Three Little Words - Sassy Synonyms - Aradia's Antonyms

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