The camera reveals all.
Slipping on banana peel.
Stepping on a rake.
Walking into the wrong room and casually walking out.
There are fails in the mundanity of life every day. Small things that we recuperate from but dwell on the embarrassment. Cartoonish acts in both the ‘fail’ and how we respond. Yet we do it every day without thinking and never focus on the resilience we build by coming back from such small miss steps(if they can even be called that).
Catastrophizing from the minor detail.
The constant thought of what can go wrong, will go wrong.
But that only ever applies to ourselves.
Staged epic fail videos dominate in online spaces.
Sensationalised for an everyday fail in mundanity.
That’s a social complex.
But here we are in the position of the others. We celebrate the mundane acts of two witches. Their mundanity just so happens to be demons and magic and drama.
Distaste is shared for when we see something as a failure in their acts but we celebrate what goes right.
Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“Which spell would you have liked to see go wrong?”
Vending Machine Door Stop – Those gentlemen are smiling at our sweaty handhold.
Flaming-O – Maybe Willow does get stuck in the neither world and Tara isn’t an anchor.
Disinviting spell – Thou shall pass
Séance – Guess they won’t get over it.
Teleportation spell – It worked they just didn’t calculate that the earth moves.
Mind Restorations – Tara decides she’d rather live in ignorance.
Resurrecting Buffy – That didn’t go wrong?
Teeny Tinkerbell Light – Tara doing Yoga and Willow following fireflies, our heroes in a crisis.
Turning Ethereal Corporal – What do you mean nonexistence doesn’t turn to a solid!
Forgetting Spell – Willow discovers Tara is not a demon but an Elephant.
Untie Spell – Instead of untying Willow and Dawn, Tara ties her shoes and doesn’t fall down the stairs.
Other – Ideally spells that do what they intended but both are involved. Either casting together or one doing it to the other.
Flaming-O – Metaphor be damned I want a reason why this world is never visited again plus it seems too far fetched just to conjure something. Unless it’s the witches’ version of going to the shops and then making things appear out of thin air is their amazon prime. I just want a reason why they don’t have to continually do this until they learn otherwise. Or why the place is never mentioned again. If it goes wrong then it scares them out of it, but it worked and it’s Willow, she doesn’t leave shit alone that goes well for her.
One Shots -
Basement Grotto -
Door 25 -
"You're My Always" -
"Do You Like Cats?"You don't have to write to contribute to the board, feedback can be its own event - Dubs Festive Advent Challenge -
Fic Club -
Pens Write A Holiday StoryExisting at some point, maybe - The Justice for Tara series.
*Rides in on a tricycle* Wanna play a game? -
Five Minutes of Artistic Integrity -
Those Three Little Words -
Sassy Synonyms -
Aradia's Antonyms