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Who is more likely to slip up, conversation wise, at the dinner table?
Poll ended at Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:33 am
Tara 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Willow 100%  100%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 3
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 Post subject: Table Talk
PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:33 am 
12. Recently Gay

Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 am
Posts: 1505
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We saw it. We all saw it.

The dinner table.

It’s that time of year where people divest a year’s worth of clutter off their table and slap on a new cloth to freshen it up.


Well this time of year means inviting relatives around, that you haven’t seen for a year, to have a roast dinner. Then they invite you to theirs and you’re stuck at 6 different roast dinners with the same people and no conversation.

Icing on the cake is when the person at the head of the table announces no one loves them. A topic of conversation everyone would love to rip into but know they’ve said it because their phone hasn’t buzzed for five minutes.

Even if it wasn’t, feelings mutual as you’ve just sprayed a mouth full of stuffing over all our food to announce that. Oh and someone’s knocked their wine over trying to hand a dish over an overcrowded table.

Now you’re left holding a pot of peas for 20 minutes to let the table cloth dry.

While we can’t all do an Alyson and dive under the table (there’s not a lot of room and if everyone does it. Then you’re stuck with all the people you’re trying to get away from, just under the table instead of at it). We have to try and stimulate a conversation and hope something sparks. The best topic is slip ups that happened years ago but are talked about every year. Or you hope it's only talked about. The phone thing happens a lot. Not as a joke either.

Which brings us to this week’s poll –
“Who is more likely to slip up, conversation wise, at the dinner table?”

Tara – What would she have said after tummy rubs if she didn’t stop talking?
Willow – There’s no way breast gal will be taken as a double entendre and used as a core characterisation.

Willow has proven it to be true. Plus she has more impulsive phrasing whereas Tara has a light build up so she can stop herself before going to far.

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