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Based on handshake etiquette whose handshake left less of a positive impression?
Poll ended at Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:09 am
Alyson 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Tara 100%  100%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 1
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 Post subject: Shaking Situations
PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:09 am 
12. Recently Gay

Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2021 2:34 am
Posts: 1505
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Handshakes the pre Covid way of learning who is the hand crushing prick of the workplace.
An age old tradition of really working out a person while exchanging names and no doubt blocking someone's path in the hallway.
Like any tradition there's a etiquette to how to do things because Linkedin says there is.

What are these dos and don'ts?
Do maintain a friendly and genuine smile throughout the handshake.

- Don't offer a weak or overly forceful grip.

- Do match the pressure of the other person's grip.

- Don't forget to introduce yourself when meeting someone for the first time.

- Do make eye contact and display attentive body language.

- Don't use a handshake as an opportunity to showcase dominance.

- Do be mindful of cultural differences and adapt accordingly.

- Don't forget to express gratitude and reciprocate the gesture.

I'm looking forward to the etiquette of the ankle shake and elbow bump social distancing gave us. Nothing like looking at a stranger in the eye while brushing ankle to ankle in sockless loafers. Teehee. The hairs tickle.
The elbow bump is conkers human edition.

They both seem really happy about it.

Which brings us to this weeks poll -
"Based on handshake etiquette whose handshake left less of a positive impression?"

Alyson - She was bending over backwards after.
Tara - Blood, sweat and tears went into it.

I mean they both failed miserably.

Smile - no to both
Weak or forceful - Granted one of their hands were crushed (which one?) but both very weak shakes.
Match the pressure - Tara in fairness is impossible but Alyson's handshake recipient is loosey goosey too.
Introduction - The voiceover does that for Alyson. Glory doesn't really let Tara get a word in edgeways.
Eye contact and attentive body language - Alyson is standing there with a limp arm. Tara cant dig her nails in but she pushes her chin out.
No dominance display - Yeah neither of them do that with their handshake.
Cultural differences - I don't know Sasha's handshake culture or if its custom to let Gods crush your hand
Gratitude and reciprocate - Alyson gives as much as she gets with the handshake but Tara forgets the interaction immediately, so rude.

Based on what's provided I'll go Tara but I feel overall Tara's handshake was more defined in purpose and had a lasting impact on both parties involved. Whereas Alyson didn't know what was going on, I didn't know what's going on and the other guy keeps moving about. Confusion all around. Maybe the handshake did have the same lasting impact.

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